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< Feedback on ppixiv for Pixiv
In "Other" settings, please try changing "Pixiv image host" to "Pixiv" instead of CloudFlare. A couple other people have had problems with CF being unreliable lately, I may turn that off by default (but it's much faster for loading images in some countries).
Try r219. I turned CF off by default, it seems to be causing these problems lately. I think it depends on where you live (which CF server you're on) since I haven't seen this problem myself.
Good morning. Overnight when I view thumbnails or images, some images no longer load and show the icon of an image that did not load.
Explanations by image:
Image 1: a thumbnail is not loading and will never load no matter if I reload the load or not (there tends to be multiple thumbnails not loading, I just took this example because all posts with problems can be seen in image 1);
Image 2: all the images in the unloaded thumbnail of image 1 appear this way when I want to look at them;
Image 3 (the post above the thumbnail not loaded from image 1): this image is supposed to be the first image in the thumbnail and not the second as the number indicates;
Image 4: this same image gives way to an image loading error icon after a while (around 40~50 seconds).
I tested on another browser on the same computer and the r###lt and the same.
I also tested on another computer and this does not happen.