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< Feedback on ppixiv for Pixiv
I think I've just never used that page, I've added it.
I've avoided doing local filters on searches to avoid causing problems with loading too many search pages at once, but you can see if an image is already bookmarked from the icon on the thumbnail.
Thank you very much for the quick addition, it works like a charm.
Very understandable about avoiding the filtering.
Thanks for the Amazing Script! I've Been using it for over a year now and it makes the viewing experience so much better.
A question about "bookmark_new_illust_r18.php". Is it intended that this page doesn't use the script at all?
Adding #ppixiv at the end doesn't do anything and clicking on the "P" button in the bottom right sends you to "ranking.php?mode=daily"
Would it be possible to add a feature to hide already bookmarked images in search by tag searches?
Again Thank you for this Script and I highly recommend others to use it/give it a try.