
Greasy Fork is available in English.


Allows simply add users by one CSV line in the iredadmin web interface

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// ==UserScript==// @name         iredadmin_CSV_OneLineAdder// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/// @version      0.1// @description  Allows simply add users by one CSV line in the iredadmin web interface// @author       Djamana// @match        https://*/iredadmin/create/user/*// @match        https://*/iredadmin/profile/user/general/*?msg=*// @grant        none// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';function timerCB(callback) {//debugger//$('[name=confirmpw]')[0].value = $('[name=newpw]')[0].valuevar Lines = $('[name=OneLineAdder]')[0].value.split(";")if (Lines.length == 3) {$('[name=username]')[0].value  = Lines[0]$('[name=newpw]')[0].value     = Lines[1]$('[name=confirmpw]')[0].value = Lines[1]$('[name=cn]')[0].value        = Lines[2]}}if (location.pathname.indexOf("/iredadmin/create/user/") != -1) {setInterval( timerCB, 500);$('form').append($('<span>').text ("CSV_OneLineAdder  Ver 0.1 [Feb'19]")).append($('<input>').attr('type', "text").attr('name', "OneLineAdder").attr('size', '65').attr('class', "text fl-space").attr('value', "").attr('title', "Username;Password;DisplayName"));$('[name=OneLineAdder]').focus();//Name;username;password/*.append($('<input>').attr('type', "text").attr('name', "employeeNumber").attr('size', '35').attr('class', "text fl-space").attr('value', "15"))*/} else if ( location.search == "?msg=UPDATED") {//debuggerlocation.search   = "";location.pathname = "/iredadmin/create/user/";} else if ( location.search == "?msg=CREATED") {//debugger$('[name=employeeNumber]').focus();}})();//======================================================================//         _   ____                              _____              _          _  _//        | | / __ \                            |_   _|            | |        | || |//        | || |  | | _   _   ___  _ __  _   _    | |   _ __   ___ | |_  __ _ | || |//    _   | || |  | || | | | / _ \| '__|| | | |   | |  | '_ \ / __|| __|/ _` || || |//   | |__| || |__| || |_| ||  __/| |   | |_| |  _| |_ | | | |\__ \| |_| (_| || || |//    \____/  \___\_\ \__,_| \___||_|    \__, | |_____||_| |_||___/ \__|\__,_||_||_|//                                        __/ |//                                       |___/// from  http://erikvold.com/blog/index.cfm/2010/6/14/using-jquery-with-a-user-scriptfunction addJQuery(callback) {// create a new <_script> element and insert it into the document.body// 'callback'  will be the body of the script/*var fn_scriptInject =function() {var script;script = document.createElement("script");script.textContent = "(" + callback.toString() + ")();";document.body.appendChild(script);//          $('<script>').text("(" + callback.toString() + ")();").appendTo('<body>')};*/if (typeof $ !== 'undefined') {// jQuery is loaded//try {//        console.log ('jQuery version ($):' + jQuery.fn.jquery)// Unload jQuery//        debugger//        jQuery.noConflict();//        console.log ('jQuery version after noConflict:' + jQuery.fn.jquery)//}  catch (e) {//      }// $(fn_scriptInject);// $(callback);} //else {// jQuery is not loaded// optional TODO: check jQuery Versionvar script;script = document.createElement("script");///resource.php/344161-344/jquery-1.7.2.min.jsscript.setAttribute("src", "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js");//        script.setAttribute("src", "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js");//        script.setAttribute("src", "/resource.php/344161-344/jquery-1.7.2.min.js");//      script.addEventListener('load', fn_scriptInject, false);script.addEventListener('load', callback, false);document.body.appendChild(script);//}}//======================================================================