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A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.

< Feedback on youtube-adb


Posted: 06.08.2024


Posted: 06.08.2024

我用 uBlock Origin + 自定义动态规则

no-csp-reports: * true
no-large-media: behind-the-scene false
behind-the-scene * * noop
behind-the-scene * 1p-script noop
behind-the-scene * 3p noop
behind-the-scene * 3p-frame noop
behind-the-scene * 3p-script noop
behind-the-scene * image noop
behind-the-scene * inline-script noop
www.youtube.com * 3p block
www.youtube.com * 3p-frame block
www.youtube.com * 3p-script block
www.youtube.com fonts.googleapis.com * noop
www.youtube.com fonts.gstatic.com * noop
www.youtube.com googlevideo.com * noop
www.youtube.com i.ytimg.com * noop
www.youtube.com photos-ugc.l.googleusercontent.com * noop
www.youtube.com www.gstatic.com * noop
www.youtube.com youtube-ui.l.google.com * noop
www.youtube.com yt3.ggpht.com * noop
www.youtube.com yt3.googleusercontent.com * noop


uBlock Origin->设置->勾选我是高级用户


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