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Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 16.09.2014

Can't skipped Linkbucks.com

Help me..

as title say, when i use this script
and want to open link from linkbucks.com

i won't open and no loading at all

please fix T_T

Posted: 16.09.2014

example the link that can't be skipped to actual link :(

Posted: 16.09.2014

Works on my machine, may I have your browser/add-on information?
(note you need to wait 5 seconds before it can redirects from linkbucks)

Posted: 17.09.2014

http://sv2.vingadorescbox.com/go/?id=cbb5cd517999bc2fdf053a1dd42d8982 should 302 to http://adf.ly/s621R

do you use any extension that prevents 302 redirection?

Posted: 24.09.2014

how can i get my addons and browser information ??

Posted: 24.09.2014

example pic that show linkbucks can't be skipped
it always get pic like that when i reload it

Posted: 24.09.2014
Edited: 24.09.2014
Posted: 26.09.2014
Edited: 26.09.2014

Does it works if you disable this userscript?

doesn't work too :(

BTW, here's my information as you needed to help me :

1. What browser are you using?
= Google Chrome 37.0.2062.124 m

2. What userscript extension are you using? (e.g.: GreaseMonkey, TamperMonkey ... etc.)
= Tampermonkey 3.8.52

3. What extensions or userscripts are you using?
= AdsBypasser 5.3.0

4. How to reproduce this bug?
= When i leech my download from vingadores cbox, their bot give me the link to download.. they using linkbucks as their redirect link ads

5. What went wrong?
= THE LINKBUCKS can't redirect to actual link like the picture i gave earlier :(

6. What did you expect?
= LINKBUCKS should redirect properly.

Posted: 26.09.2014
For me, the redirects seem to go well from steps 1 to 8, at which point the http://bc.vc/n1toLT page is stuck on "Please wait...".

These 2 lines keep repeating quickly, until I close the page.

Weird, maybe it should reload if retried too much.

Does it works if you disable this userscript?
doesn't work too :(

If so, then the problem is not this script.
Please try again with a clean profile, thanks.

Deleted user 6069
Posted: 15.10.2014

Works for me, kinda. It automatically continues when time is over, but does not skip it. Good enough for me :)

Posted: 15.10.2014
Edited: 15.10.2014

@Reinoaattori: it's impossible to skip Linkbucks links without the help of an external server. Even though the implementation with an external server was fully done, we eventually did not add it to the public version on grounds of security and privacy concerns.

Posted: 16.01.2015

@Kirito If you are satisfied with the script, please consider changing the rating of this topic.

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