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Review: Good - script works

Posted: 25.09.2014

Request for next update

Please add auto redirect for www.embedupload.com same like mirrorcreator.com
example : http://www.embedupload.com/?UB=2HIOVYIURT

and auto redirect too for multiup.org (automatic go to mirror host selector without click download button at 1st page)
example: http://www.multiup.org/en/download/a354b531d52dae246724c7da85150e40/_AnimE2Enjoy.Com__YS_2_-__11___v2___HS-SHaTO_.a2e


Posted: 19.10.2014

Support for embedupload.com will be added in the next version (commit: https://github.com/adsbypasser/adsbypasser/commit/2b485be3b4a90257cb6172fd029b561dfa0d0eb8).

About multiup, I'm not sure that this is a good idea since this page displays some information about the file, so most likely not everyone want to skip it.

Posted: 02.11.2014

mantap.in change name website become mantep.in

and can you add http://srelink.com/ ?
sample link = http://srelink.com/i/y5BA

Posted: 02.11.2014

how to add various name website ?
example link :
- http://moe.god.jp/ => same with http://mo###bs.akurapopo.pro/ and http://dl.nsfk.in/NK

- http://mantap.in/ => same with http://st.oploverz.net/

sorry for my bad english. :)

Posted: 03.11.2014
Edited: 03.11.2014

Usually, we just add the different hosts in the rule that already works.

In case of interstitials that can be hosted on any domain by webmasters, we try to find a pattern that lets us recognize the kind of interstitial (example: adf.ly).

As a user, you can manually modify the script to add hosts, but we prefer that you inform us about them, so that we can add them to the script, and make it available for everyone.

I don't currently have access to a computer, so I will not add these until this weekend, but maybe @legnaleurc will do it before me.

Posted: 02.12.2014

please add http://st.wardhanime.net/i/1352 for next update.

Posted: 02.12.2014
Edited: 02.12.2014

Support for st.wardhanime.net: https://github.com/adsbypasser/adsbypasser/commit/400adca2f4fd7380b850b50499e8c3b21e3a67c7

Will be added in the next version.

Posted: 28.12.2014

mantep.in change domain again => manteb.in

Posted: 29.12.2014

Done. It will be fixed in the next release. Thank you.

Posted: 26.02.2015
Posted: 08.03.2015

Hi, that has been added in v5.17.0, thank you.

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