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Posted: 12.07.2015

Page can't be displayed.

Chrome v43.0.2357.132 (64-bit) and Tampermonkey BETA v3.12.4708

Description: Page is blank and nothing is displayed.

Link: http://www1.macys.com/shop/product/navy-yard-8-piece-reversible-bedding-ensembles?ID=764254&CategoryID=26795

Console output:

eluminate.js:2 stack_manager called - successful config download - parms: PDPZ1, false, 764254, 26795, , ,
eluminate.js:2 ab test id: no ab test
eluminate.js:2 step: 0 offer_id: 55361 type: P target: _SP_ algo_id:  algo_value:
eluminate.js:2 retrieving recommendations for target: 5DFFB39B - url: http://iocdn.coremetrics.com/90067660/V4/P55361/P5D/5DFFB39B.js?V=2015071121
eluminate.js:2 successful retrieval of recommendations for item 764254: 229 ms
eluminate.js:2 Object
eluminate.js:2 Adding EPR Category to cookie.  Category: 26795
eluminate.js:2 encryption of 26795: B190010A
eluminate.js:2 write CoreM_State: 50~1~-1~-1~E~6~6~6~10~10~0~0~|~5DFFB39B~3AF5F835~DBBF63F3~|~B190010A~|~~|~0~1~2|||0|35||~|~1436732829922~1436730452197~1436730434305~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~
eluminate.js:2 write CoreM_State_Content: 6~|~~|~
eluminate.js:2 Calling zone population function: PDPZ1_zp(["2093001","2093002","1140385","764259","1492892","1492885","2045734","764258","616368","764261"],"PDPZ1","_SP_","764254","26795",[["Kennedy 8-Pc.
Bedding Ensemble","","SUNHAM","MASTER"],["Haven 8-Pc. Bedding Ensemble","","SUNHAM","MASTER"],["Anchor's Aweigh 8 Piece Reversible Bedding Ensembles","","SUNHAM","MASTER"],["Navy Yard 8 Piec
e Queen Reversible Bedding Ensemble","","SUNHAM","MEMBER"],["Cordova 8 Piece Reversible Bedding Ensembles","","SUNHAM","MASTER"],["Holden 8 Piece Reversible Bedding Ensembles","","SUNHAM","M
ASTER"],["Peyton 8-Pc. Reversible Bedding Ensemble","","SUNHAM","MASTER"],["Navy Yard 8 Piece Full Reversible Bedding Ensemble","","SUNHAM","MEMBER"],["Norwood 8 Piece Reversible Bedding Ens
emble","","SUNHAM","MASTER"],["Navy Yard 8 Piece California King Reversible Bedding Ensemble","","SUNHAM","MEMBER"]],["Navy Yard 8 Piece Reversible Bedding Ensembles","","SUNHAM","MASTER"],"
Customers Also Shopped","no ab test",["26795","26795","26795","26795","26795","26795","26795","26795","26795","26795"],"","",[],[])
eluminate.js:2 All recommendation requests completed for zone: PDPZ1
eluminate.js:2 Processing tag: tid=5, pr=764254, cg=26795, at=undefined, pi=PRODUCT: Navy Yard 8 Piece Reversible Bedding Ensembles (764254)
eluminate.js:2 initial CoreM_State: 50~1~-1~-1~E~6~6~6~10~10~0~0~|~5DFFB39B~3AF5F835~DBBF63F3~|~B190010A~|~~|~0~1~2|||0|35||~|~1436732829922~1436730452197~1436730434305~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~
eluminate.js:2 initial CoreM_State_Content: 6~|~~|~
eluminate.js:2 Adding product from product view to cookie.  Product: 764254
eluminate.js:2 encryption of 764254: 5DFFB39B
eluminate.js:2 write CoreM_State: 50~1~-1~-1~E~6~6~6~10~10~0~0~|~5DFFB39B~3AF5F835~DBBF63F3~|~B190010A~|~~|~0~1~2|||0|35||~|~1436732874599~1436730452197~1436730434305~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~
eluminate.js:2 write CoreM_State_Content: 6~|~~|~
Posted: 12.07.2015

Does it work if you disable AdsBypasser?
Do you have other extensions or userscripts that might be causing this issue?

Posted: 12.07.2015
Does it work if you disable AdsBypasser?


Do you have other extensions or userscripts that might be causing this issue?

No. Other extensions and userscripts have been disabled. (I've tested it in incognito mode. )

Posted: 12.07.2015
Edited: 13.07.2015

I was able to reproduce this bug with Tampermonkey BETA v3.12.4708, but I could not find why it happens.
It might be a bug of TamperMonkey (not AdsBypasser) though, since I am unable to reproduce this bug with TamperMonkey v3.11.
@legnaleurc What is your mind about this issue?

Posted: 13.07.2015

Bug reported:


I don't think I can/should do anything about this.

Posted: 14.07.2015

@devnoname120 Thanks for looking into this issue.

Bug reported:


Good to know.

Posted: 14.07.2015

...and fixed. :) http://tampermonkey.net/changelog.php?version=3.12.4712&ext=gcal
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Posted: 14.07.2015
...and fixed. :) http://tampermonkey.net/changelog.php?version=3.12.4712&ext=gcal Sorry for any inconvenience.

Fix verified. Thanks.

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