Remove twitter content warning
Du vil måske også kunne lide Twitter image viewing enhancement
// ==UserScript== // @name Twitter remove content warning // @name:zh-CN Twitter 移除内容警告 // @name:zh-TW Twitter 移除内容警告 // @icon // @namespace // @version 1.0.2 // @description Remove twitter content warning // @description:zh-CN 移除 twitter 的敏感内容警告 // @description:zh-TW 移除 twitter 的敏感内容警告 // @author 神代綺凛 // @include* // @include* // @include* // @license MIT // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (async () => { 'use strict'; const css = (strings, ...values) => GM_addStyle(String.raw({ raw: strings }, ...values)); /** * @template {Function} T * @param {T} func * @param {number} timeout * @returns {ReturnType<T>} */ const waitValue = (func, timeout = 10000) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const val = func(); if (val) { resolve(val); return; } const timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(timer); reject(); }, timeout); const timer = setInterval(() => { const val = func(); if (val) { clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); clearInterval(timer); resolve(val); } }, 500); }); const findBlurCssRule = () => { for (const ss of document.styleSheets) { for (const rule of ss.cssRules) { if (!(rule instanceof CSSStyleRule)) continue; if ( === 'blur(30px)') { return rule; } } } }; const rule = await waitValue(findBlurCssRule); if (!rule) { console.warn('[trcw] css rule not found'); return; } css` ${rule.selectorText} { filter: none !important; } ${rule.selectorText} + div { display: none !important; } `; console.log('[trcw] done', rule.selectorText); })();