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Posted: 22.09.2024

This code requested my banking access for no valid reason

Posted: 22.09.2024

This code requested my banking access for no valid reason

Are you out of your mind? How can a script running on Greasyfork have the permissions to access your damn bank?

Posted: 22.09.2024

I don't know ! If this is not on purpose, then it is a bug on my part and I am very sorry.

Posted: 22.09.2024

This code requested my banking access for no valid reason

Are you out of your mind? How can a script running on Greasyfork have the permissions to access your damn bank?

I don't know ! If this is not on purpose, then it is a bug on my part and I am very sorry. (sorry if you see this message two times)

Posted: 25.09.2024

This code requested my banking access for no valid reason

Are you out of your mind? How can a script running on Greasyfork have the permissions to access your damn bank?

I don't know ! If this is not on purpose, then it is a bug on my part and I am very sorry. (sorry if you see this message two times)

I retry and he whrote that : https://imgur.com/a/hF7ykyD

Posted: 25.09.2024

This code requested my banking access for no valid reason

Are you out of your mind? How can a script running on Greasyfork have the permissions to access your damn bank?

I don't know ! If this is not on purpose, then it is a bug on my part and I am very sorry. (sorry if you see this message two times)

I retry and he whrote that : https://imgur.com/a/hF7ykyD

I don't know what is that

Posted: 25.09.2024

This code requested my banking access for no valid reason Are you out of your mind? How can a script running on Greasyfork have the permissions to access your damn bank? I don't know ! If this is not on purpose, then it is a bug on my part and I am very sorry. (sorry if you see this message two times) I retry and he whrote that : https://imgur.com/a/hF7ykyD I don't know what is that

Isn’t this normal for cross-domain requests? I downloaded the image from URL ok? If you don't want to download this picture, just refuse. Is this your first time using userscripts on GreasyFork? child? That's just a warning about the risks of cross-domain, kid. You know how painful it is for me to use Google Translate.

If you don't like it, turn off the option for scripts to display icons, or disable cross-domain access.

This is my cross domain code

method: 'GET',
url: location.pathname.replace(/(scripts\/\d+[^/]+)(\/.*)?$/, '$1/code/1.user.js'),
timeout: 10000,
onload: function (r) {
var url = (r.responseText.match(/\n\s*\/\/\s+@icon(?:url)?\s+((?:https?:\/\/|data:image\/).+)|$/i)[1] || '').trim()
if (!url) {
url = "https://github.com/#####GodMan/UserScripts/raw/main/docs/icon/Scripts%20Icons/default.png"
return __addIcon(url, h2Element, true)
if (!/^http:/.test(url))
return __addIcon(url, h2Element)
// download http icon and store it in script db if it's small
method: 'GET',
url: url,
timeout: 10000,
headers: {
'Accept': 'image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5'
Posted: 25.09.2024

This code requested my banking access for no valid reason Are you out of your mind? How can a script running on Greasyfork have the permissions to access your damn bank? I don't know ! If this is not on purpose, then it is a bug on my part and I am very sorry. (sorry if you see this message two times) I retry and he whrote that : https://imgur.com/a/hF7ykyD


Accès à une ressource d'origine croisée par un Userscript

Ce message fait référence à une tentative d'un userscript d'accéder à une ressource d'origine croisée (CORS - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). Dans ce cas particulier, le script utilisateur "Greasyfork Utility Toolkit" tente d'accéder à une ressource située sur un autre domaine (update.greasyfork.org). Cela peut arriver lorsque le script essaie de télécharger des mises à jour ou d'obtenir des données à partir d'une autre source.

Explication des options disponibles :

  • Autoriser une fois : Permet au script d'accéder à la ressource externe uniquement cette fois-ci.
  • Autoriser temporairement : Autorise l'accès temporairement pendant que la session est active, mais cette autorisation sera réinitialisée à la fin de la session.
  • Toujours autoriser : Autorise systématiquement l'accès à cette ressource à chaque fois que ce script est exécuté.
  • Toujours autoriser ce domaine : Autorise toutes les tentatives futures d'accès à ce domaine (dans ce cas, update.greasyfork.org).
  • Interdire une fois : Bloque l'accès à la ressource externe pour cette fois uniquement.
  • Toujours interdire : Bloque l'accès à cette ressource pour toutes les futures tentatives.
  • Toujours interdire ce domaine : Bloque l'accès à ce domaine spécifique de façon permanente.

Note : Les auteurs de scripts utilisateurs peuvent éviter cette boîte de dialogue en ajoutant une balise @connect à leur script, spécifiant les domaines auxquels le script est autorisé à se connecter.

Vous pouvez modifier ces paramètres à tout moment via l'onglet des paramètres du script.

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