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VNDB Cover Preview

Previews covers in vndb.org searches when hovering over the respective hyperlinks.

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Posted: 12.02.2025

How to close the image easily?
When the image show up, sometimes it just stays there and clicking the image or outside of it will not make it go away. Even worse if the image is so big. As an option, it should never be bigger than the screen.

Posted: 12.02.2025

How to close the image easily?
When the image show up, sometimes it just stays there and clicking the image or outside of it will not make it go away. Even worse if the image is so big. As an option, it should never be bigger than the screen.

If you hover over a different link then it should trigger the same code and fix the issue when you hover away. I never did figure out why it does this sometimes, sorry. :x

How big is your monitor? I've never had it take up the whole screen. :o

Posted: 12.02.2025

Usually it will get stuck. So you can't make it close when clicking the image or outside of it?
Usual laptop screen size. Some covers can be as big as 1819x2602 and others can get cut out from the screen.

Posted: 18.02.2025

Usually it will get stuck. So you can't make it close when clicking the image or outside of it?
Usual laptop screen size. Some covers can be as big as 1819x2602 and others can get cut out from the screen.

Could you link me a VN that has a big cover like you mentioned? I'll test it and see what I can do.

Posted: 19.02.2025

I forgot which VN it was, but it was so easy to do just browsing VN sort by vote and you can see that some of the cover are bigger than 1200x1200.
This one has 1696x2036 https://vndb.org/v17012

Posted: 19.02.2025

If the image is so big, the cursor will flash like this. Because it tries to put it in the center, I think

Posted: 19.02.2025

That was a GIF file, try to open it in the new tab

Posted: 19.02.2025

Hmm, it resizes on my screen to be about this big. I'm on a 1080p monitor. https://i.imgur.com/r85xoLB.jpeg

Posted: 19.02.2025

This has 2152x3600 https://vndb.org/v31929

Posted: 19.02.2025

Mine 1366x768, I told you it was the typical laptop res

Posted: 19.02.2025

It was tricky with the flickering cursor, hovering and unhovering the link to preview the image.

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