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Maknyos AutoIn

Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox, cloud.mail.ru, adf.ly, and many more...

< Feedback on Maknyos AutoIn


Posted: 07.01.2016
Edited: 07.01.2016

patches added in maknyos-autoin | github, for now on.
I'm a lil bit confuse with your kumpulbagi link,. If your intention to do with the script is link like this, then it's done. :)

You sample link of kumpulbagi may have collection items to download, so script can not decide which one user want to download..

Posted: 07.01.2016

Thanks! Yeah, the point is just to capture a download link. I may have selected a collection folder instead. I'm a bit confused with kumpulbagi sometimes :tongue:

Posted: 07.01.2016

Well then, it's updated, v3.7.3. :wink:

Posted: 11.01.2016

Pls add shortened version of kumpulbagi.
Sample: https://kb.simple-aja.info/Liv/720p-x265-jj-128135/tatoo-2015-720p-web-dl-hevc-x265-jj,1867107,list,1,31.mkv
Thank youu :kissing_heart:

Posted: 11.01.2016

Updated on github for a momento.. :)

Posted: 29.01.2016

its on github already, miss. Thankyou.
sorry for late respond, thx..

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