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Tabview Youtube Design CustomizationCSS-Change some designs in Tabview Youtube
Remove YouTube Movie PurchaseCSS-to remove YouTube Movie Purchase
YouTube - Gigantic Search R###lt Thumbnails FixCSS-This style reverts back to the normal search r###lt thumbnails since they have first experimented back in July 2022.
YouTube - Force consistent video size (revert to pre-flexy)CSS-This style forces to use the pre-flexy video size before it first came out in 2018.
YouTube anti-capsCSS-Converts all the video titles to lowercase
Youtube Progress Bar HighlightingCSS-highlights the progress bar of the youtube player on hover
Youtube Controls HighlightingCSS-highlights the controls of the youtube player to the preferred color on hover
Youtube Bottom Gray ShadowCSS-changes a white shadow background of the Youtube Player's bottom to the gray color and adds some additional shadows to the bottom controls to increase readability
Plain text youtube subscription listCSS-Greatly compacts list view layout, hides thumbnails and noise. Only works in subscriptions -> list view!
YouTube - Hide End Cards (unless hovering)CSS-Hides those big links that sometimes show up over the endings of videos -- unless you hover over the player.
YouTube - Watch Later and Share Buttons ReturnCSS-Enables the Watch Later and Share buttons on the player when not in Fullscreen mode.
YouTube normal-sizedCSS-Restores normal desktop sizing by shrinking text and spacing.
Youtube WideScreen (New Design Polymer) [USw] v.57CSS-For a Wide Screen and the YouTube New Design
Controls for YouTube - Alternative Theme (OBSOLETE)CSS-This theme was for the Chrome extension "Controls for YouTube", but now it's included in the extension itself.
[Youtube] 去他妈的评论区CSS-移除网页版Youtube的评论区
YouTube Music acrylicCSS-Acrylic styling for YouTube Music using backdrop-filter blur. - remove suggested videos from endscreenCSS-Style for that removes suggested videos section appearing after video has ended.
YouTube Dark Search Suggestions BoxCSS-Makes YouTubes search suggestions box also dark when in dark mode
YouTube Simple Cinema ModeCSS-While video is playing the page will turn dark automatically, giving focus to the video.
Return WATCHED badge on Youtube (with custom text)CSS-Bring back the WATCHED overlay to the videos you have already watched on youtube.
YouTube - Return old logo + embed logoCSS-Returns the nicer old youtube logo on the website and embedded videos.
Glassy YoutubeCSS-make Youtube panes and pop-ups glassy
Youtube chapter panel on top of videoCSS-moves the chapter panel (invisible) on top of the video (designed for theater mode). Shows up when hovering over it.
Youtube font type, color and brightness in dark modeCSS-reduce font brightness, or change the color and type of font, for primary and secondary text in dark mode
Youtube Theater mode 21:9 widescreen (and others) fixCSS-For whatever reason, youtube fixes the frame to 16:9 in theater mode, but this should fix it removing top and bottom black bar
Youtube Material CompactCSS-An attempt to restore compactness to a new Material Youtube
YouTube - Remove clickable labels on "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttonsCSS-Removes those annoying, clickable labels on the "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons so you won't accidentally click on them.
YouTube - Hide Video CommentsCSS-YouTube comments only exist to cause stress, so get rid of them.
Youtube MiniViewCSS-Resize the window to a minimum view to listen the music
YouTube - Bring back colored thumbs up and down buttons and like barCSS-White/grayscale and stroke-only transparent buttons suck.
YouTube - Show Buttons On Hover When PausedCSS-Hide buttons when the video is paused and show them again when hovered
YouTube Player Buttons RemoverCSS-Choose which buttons you want to remove from the YouTube Player
YouTube SquareCSS-Changes rounded avatars, videos and images to square on YouTube
Youtube 2010-2011 HTML5 video playerCSS-Makes youtube player look like it did in 2010
Youtube Logo ChangerCSS-change youtube's logo with added controls
Youtube hide related suggestion which occlude the videoCSS-Hide the picture of related suggestion which occlude the video at the end on youtube.
Youtube hide FOR YOU suggestion when searchCSS-Hide the suggestion of r###lts when search on youtube.
youtube player simplifyCSS-youtube player simplify.
YouTube - Hide Controls Until HoverCSS-Automatically hides the top and bottom bar when paused. Makes it easier to read text on the top/bottom that is normally hidden by the controls.
youtube redux plusCSS-makes youtube redux accurate to old youtube
Youtube Disable SHORTSCSS-Simply hides all Shorts from Youtube
Less Obtrusive YouTube End CardsCSS-Make YouTube end cards less obtrusive.
YouTube - Show Full View Count and Date (unless hovering)CSS-Brings back the full view count and date to the description box.
YouTube - Square Corners for Thumbnails and AvatarsCSS-Makes YouTube thumbnail image corners square again
YouTube Live BorderlessCSS-Make YouTube Live Borderless
YouTube Chat BubblesCSS-Make YouTube Chat Bubbles
YouTube Chat TintsCSS-Make YouTube Chat Tints
YT chat版面CSS-聊天室排版修改YouTube Live Chat layout modify
YouTube Buttons for Chat FilterCSS-Turn drop down buttons to normal buttons
Youtube Subtitle Caption StylishCSS-This is to replace the subtitle / caption style using in Youtube
Hide YouTube Pause OverlayCSS-To hide YouTube Pause Overlay
Hide YouTube Shorts in Videos SidePanelCSS-To hide YouTube Shorts in Videos SidePanel
CSS Fix for YouTube ShortsCSS-to fix YouTube Shorts issues
YouTube FullScreen No ControlsCSS-Make YouTube FullScreen No Controls
YouTube - Large "Show less" ButtonCSS-Turns the right half of the description box into a large "Show less" button.
Fix is to fix
YouTube Chat Color NamesCSS-Make YouTube Chat Color Names
YouTube: Hide Tickers (Live Chat)CSS-To Hide Tickers Bar in YouTube Live Chat
Fix YouTube Watch Flexible Menu ItemsCSS-To fix YouTube Watch Flexible Menu Items
Dark theme for Youtube HitchhikerCSS-Designed for Rehike
YT簡化自訂控制項CSS-YT簡化-控制項+按鈕+進度條自定義修改youtube Simplify - control items + buttons + progress bar customize
YouTube No Cursor No ControlsCSS-Make YouTube No Controls when you move cursor outside the video.
Rehike Hitchhiker Thumbnail ResizerCSS-can change the size of any thumbnail
YT Theater ChatCSS-YouTube Livestreams Theater Mode擴充的CSS修正
No Indeterminate-bar in YouTube Live ChatCSS-A new userstyle
YouTube - Force 4-row thumbnails on home feed + Both tweaksCSS-This style forces the 4-row thumbnails on homepage feed (this also includes both compact thumbnails on subscriptions feed and disabling gigantic search r###lt thumbnails).
YouTube Always Show Progress Bar - CSS MethodCSS-Shows YouTube progress bar at all times, formatted for theater mode, via lightweight CSS.
YT字幕自定義CSS-YouTube Subtitles font modify
YouTube Watch Resize Fix for Older BrowsersCSS-This style fixes the watch resize bug on older browsers.
2014 Cosmic Panda PlayerCSS-Recreates the cosmic panda player for 2014 player.
youtube disable roundCSS-youtubeの丸角を四角に戻します
YouTube: fadeInChatMessageCSS-To fade in Chat Messages (with YouTube Super Fast Chat)
YouTube Theater Mode Zoom InCSS-YouTube Theatre Mode will take up the full height of the screen.
Late 2016 for V3 + StarTubeCSS-Makes 2016 StarTube more faithful to late 2016.
YouTube - Compact Thumbnails on Subscriptions PageCSS-This style reverts back to compact-styled thumbnails from the subscriptions feed. (but this also removes the 'Shorts' feed from this page to have a cleaner page)
YT shorts描述框移出CSS-youtube shorts描述框移出靠右,縮短不擋住評論
DeArrow - Remove Dearrow ButtonCSS-Dearrow - Remove Button from YouTube Extension Dearrow
Aozora Playlists for V3 and StarTubeCSS-A new userstyle
YT Boost聊天室CSS-Boost Chat專用版面調整
YouTube - Custom Video Progress Bar Colors [Updated]CSS-Custom Video Progress Bar Colors [Updated] by Nick2bad4u - 2024
YouTube Rainbow Progress Bar [Updated]CSS-YouTube Rainbow Progress Bar [Updated] by Nick2bad4u - 2024
Youtube Vibra for New YouTube [Updated DRM Free]CSS-YT Vibra - Backup
Fix YouTube Chat Emoji Button PositionCSS-A new userstyle
Chinese Font 中文字體CSS-中文黑體字型 - Black ModeCSS-Black Theme for Youtube TV
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