ChatGPT Exporter JS - Easily export the whole ChatGPT conversation history for further analysis or sharing.
Keep Kaggle Notebook Alive JS - Keep the Kaggle Notebook alive by simulating user activity
Auto Like Specific User JS - 自动点赞特定用户,适用于discourse
Auto Like Specific User base on activity JS - 自动点赞特定用户,适用于discourse
Auto Copy Selected Text JS - Automatically copy selected text to clipboard and keep the selection
PERPLEXITY-FULL-SCREEN JS - 通过 MutationObserver 自动删除 页面中动态加载的image所在的元素,扩大chat所在的元素
ChatGPT 降智避免 JS - 在https://chatgpt.com上模拟移动设备的用户代理避免降智