Star Client v3(fixed) JS - Star client v3(fixed)
ZAKAT mod v2 JS - New op hack, good insta and onetick.pasword 2405
VN Mod v2 JS - Remaked auto healing and instakill aded fps boost
oblivion mod v1.3 JS - Fixed
ATM client v2.7.1 JS - Private mod
Cifi mod v1.2 (Remaked heal and aded function for noob) JS - This mod was created to destroy strong cheaters. But since this mod is still in beta testing, it may not work well. If you see any shortcomings, you can write about them.(aded function for noob and remaked heal)
Frozen client v3 JS - Good insta and heal
Determination v7.4(work) JS - Determination remaked by Ultra hack
Happymod JS - Happy mod v4
Valour mercenary JS - Real good mod?
Star Client V2 JS - Fixed