Wikipedia article name with language JS - In the 'Languages' list in the left sidebar, the language name linking to the same article in that language is complemented with the name of that article.
Pocket direct links JS - Clicking on an item directly opens the website, not the Pocket reader.
IMDB Re-prioritize JS - Raises the 'Details' and 'Storyline' blocks to right below the main information block on any IMDB movie page.
CDJournal to MusicBrainz JS - Adds a link "MusicBrainz に投稿" to any record entry page (right of the artist/record title) that opens the Add Release form in MusicBrainz, prefilling it with that record's information.
###### ISRC to MusicBrainz JS - Adds an “Add to MusicBrainz” button to any ###### ISRC website record entry page, which prefills the record submission form on MusicBrainz.
Youtube position saver JS - Periodically records the current playing time while you watch videos, so you don't lose track of where you were watching.
Niconico position saver JS - Periodically records the current playing time while you watch videos, so you don't lose track of where you were watching.