MyAnimeList Remove Unnecessary Spacing JS - Removes unnecessary padding on MyAnimeList profiles.
MyAnimeList Remove Recommended Sites JS - Removes the reccomended sites on the bottom of the page.
MyAnimeList Add Friends' Statistics to Main Page JS - Adds your Friends' Statistics to each MyAnimeList entry page .
MyAnimeList Swap Peoples' Name Order JS - Swaps the name of people on MyAnimeList from the regular "Last Name, First Name" to "First Name Last Name"
MyAnimeList Split PTW List JS - Makes the Anime Statistics on Profiles more indicative, telling you how many haven't aired yet.
Find Missing Entries JS - Opens all pages on MAL that are not on your list.
MyAnimeList Seasonal Anime Hide Dropped. JS - Hides Dropped Shows on the Seasonal Page
Open Aired Entries JS - Opens the first 15 entries on your PTW that are currently airing or that have aired.
Change MAL Club in Menu JS - Changes the Clubs link in the profile dropdown from all clubs to your clubs
MyAnimeList Hide Cover Image JS - Hides the Cover Image on MAL
Mal-badges remove fake accounts JS - Very simple script to hide fraudelent accounts on mal-badges
MyAnimeList Auto-Confirm updated entry JS - Automatically goes back to anime page after successfully updating an entry
MyAnimeList Hide Manga Store JS - Hides the Manga Store Ads on MyAnimeList.
Remove darkened /r/anime dark mode spoiler links JS - removes the maroon-ish color of visited links on /r/anime dark mode; sets them to pink
Hide PTW Only Recommendations JS - If gives a recommendation which only has something related on your PTW, hide those recommendations.
Add Hide All Recommendations Button JS - Adds a button to hide an entire group of recomendations.
MyAnimeList Top Anime Hide Items JS - Hides anything on the "top anime/manga" pages that are already on your list
Change MAL Friends link in Menu JS - Changes the Friends link in the profile dropdown to the friends page linked to your profile
MyAnimeList Search Anime/MangaList from Profile JS - Allows you to search a users anime/manga list without opening their list first.
Letterboxd Hide Home in Menu JS - Hide the Home Button in the profile dropdown menu
AniList - Search Title on AnimeBytes JS - adds a button on AniList anime pages to search AnimeBytes for the title
Hide letterboxd reviews JS - Hides popular and recent reviews on letterboxd