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Developer stopped on a Gambling script for stake.com

Posted: 2021-06-07

I have been attempting to teach myself HTML and then moving on to Java script just so i can fix a script. It was an extreamly usefull money saving script for a gambling webstie what it would do would be to take a userdefinded percentage and save it to your vault. (vault being a bank that was not in your active balance)

The script is here I would really like someone to help me figure out how to fix it. it honestly made me more money than ever

// ==UserScript==
// @name [0]Balance-Wingman https://stake.com/?c=263733c1bc
// @description Setup the amount from each win to be sent to Vaulet in the line(66) /////////// Setup Profit here in Decimal: 50 % = 0.50 - 75 % = 0.75 - 15 % = 0.15
// @description Cryptocurrency is shown in Crypto and $
// @description Create your acc here to support my work https://stake.com/?c=263733c1bc
// @version 2.3.1
// @author Dauersendung
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/de/users/444902-dauersendung
// @match https://stake.com/*
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
var accessToken = localStorage.getItem('session').replace(/"/g, '');
var oldBal = '';
function getCurrency() {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("v2_currency")).currency;
function getRate(cur) {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('v2_currency')).conversions.rates[cur];
function convertCurrency(cur, val) {
return val * getRate(cur);
function getConversionElem() {
var ele = document.querySelector("#conversionElem");
if(ele == null) {
ele = document.createElement("span");
ele.id = "conversionElem";
ele.innerText = "0.00$";
document.querySelector(".styles__Wrap-rlm06o-0.bGSyHm").insertBefore(ele, null);

return ele;
window.onload = function loadpage(){
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
var oldBal = document.querySelector(".styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG").innerText;
var curBalEle = document.querySelector(".styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG").innerText;
function tresor(){
oldBal = curBalEle
if (oldBal = curBalEle){
function depositBal(depositAmount) {
var curr = getCurrency();
var data = [{
operationName: "CreateVaultDeposit",
query: "mutation CreateVaultDeposit($amount: Float!, $currency: CurrencyEnum!) { createVaultDeposit(amount: $amount, currency: $currency) { id amount currency user { id balances { available { amount currency __typename } vault { amount currency __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } } ",
variables: {
amount: depositAmount,
currency: curr,}}]
return fetch("https://api.stake.com/graphql", {
"credentials": "omit",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json",
'x-access-token': accessToken,
'x-lockdown-token': undefined},
"referrer": "https://stake.com/?currency=" + curr + "&modal=vault&operation=deposit",
"body": JSON.stringify(data),
"method": "POST",
"mode": "cors"});}
function checkBalance() {
var curBalEle=document.querySelector(".styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG");
if(document.getElementsByClassName('styles__Content-rlm06o-1 ixoRjG').length > 0){
curBalEle = document.getElementsByClassName('styles__Content-rlm06o-1 ixoRjG')[0].innerText;
if(curBalEle != '') {
//console.log('balance changed');
//console.log('old balance : ' + oldBal);
//console.log('current balance : ' + curBalEle);
if (curBalEle > oldBal) {
var depositAmount = ((curBalEle - oldBal) * 0.10); /////////// Setup Profit here in Decimal: 50 % = 0.50 - 75 % = 0.75 - 15 % = 0.15
depositBal(depositAmount).then(() => {
oldBal = document.querySelector(".styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG").innerText;
localStorage.setItem("oldBal", oldBal);
getConversionElem().innerText = convertCurrency(getCurrency(), curBalEle).toFixed(2) + "$";
oldBal = curBalEle;
oldBal = curBalEle;
}}}window.setInterval(checkBalance, 751);}//timerspeed read send to tresor
tresor();//if different balance run func tresor
}}var myTimer = setTimeout(tresor, 5500);}}; //timer func(tresor)

I belive the problem lays in the API or the Graphql portion of the code. but i am unsure. stake changed something and it made it stop working and its been well over a week sicne the devoloper has updated it

Posted: 2021-07-25

You should post the link rather than paste the code. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/408276-0-balance-wingman-https-stake-com-c-263733c1bc You can see in the discussions that you are not alone in looking for a solution, so perhaps you can collaborate. Not a very large install-base however.

I would really like someone to help me figure out how to fix it.

You could try the browser debugger, specifically the network tab. Do a transfer manually and look for requests to api or similar POST. Perhaps the site changed the URL or parameters and you can fix that.

over a week sicne the devoloper has updated it

@Dauersendung hasn't been active this year. Note that the license for the script may be restricted to private use only, in case you planned posting an update version. Also be careful with auto-update on scripts that give the script manager access to money.

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