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Request : Smiles :)

Posted: 2014-07-19
Edited: 2014-07-19

Request : Smiles :)

hey , i was wondering if someone could make me a smile script that i can add smiles to .

so the site i use has a limited amount of smiles on the site. so i was wondering if it possible to make a script that either add smiles on to the already existing smiles or find a way to add smiles some other way . atm i have to go to Google and find the smile every time . if there was a smile script i could use to just add the smiles to the script would make my life so mush easier :P
Of course i have to be able to add smiles it my self (If possible)
the site i want it for is a privet tracker . there is a site thats almost a copy of it called http://www.torrenting.com .
thanks in advance .
if this is not possible i understand :(

Posted: 2014-07-19
Edited: 2014-07-19

If you're using Firefox, install Custom Buttons ext. (useful anyway as it has hundreds of useful buttons and very helpful forum) and this button by srazzano. Add smileys as you wish.

Posted: 2014-07-20
Edited: 2014-07-20
If you're using Firefox, install Custom Buttons ext. (useful anyway as it has hundreds of useful buttons and very helpful forum) and this button by srazzano. Add smileys as you wish.

Makondo how do i add images to it ?. because when i installed it, i added it to a tool bar and then clicked the little smile face but nothing happened so im guessing i need to add smiles to it . but how ?.
Explain with pictures if you can :)
thanks in advance

Edit : i figured out how to add images . but i still cant figure out how to use the "Script" becasue nothing happens when i click the smile face .

further investigation: well there is something callled url am i supped to add the url i want it to work on ? .

That did not work . it said some bullshit about to many errors to make the script .

Edit 2 : i got it working kinda.... i clicked the update on the smile and it started working . well im stuck on this bullshit now .
i cant figure this out can you help me with this ?

This site needs to be added into the script.
Under the 'menu.onclick = function(e) {' block of code, replace ???? with a name and enter this:
var ???? = win.match(www.torrentday.com);
Enter two pipe characters '||' before the name, into last position in between the parenthesis for either BBCode or HTML (whichever the site is formatted for)

Posted: 2014-07-20
Edited: 2014-07-20

● This is if torrenday.com uses BBCode tags.
● You can remove some urls that you don't need if you want, or just leave them there.
● You can add more urls with this same setup.
● If you add this site, greasyfork.org... then you need to add to the HTML line and not the BBCode line.
● Based on the default button posted by srazzano.

} else {
var text = e.target.src;
var win = content.document.location.host;
var command = "cmd_insertText";
var chog = win.match("choggi.org");
var cbsf = win.match("custombuttons.sourceforge.net");
var fuso = win.match("forum.userstyles.org");
var usso = win.match("userscripts.org");
var tmpg = win.match("tmp.garyr.net");
var fmzo = win.match("forums.mozillazine.org");
var torrentday = win.match("torrentday.com");
if (cbsf || fmzo || tmpg || torrentday) text = "[img]" + text + "[/img]"; //BBCode
else if (chog || fuso || usso) text = ''; //HTML
else {

Posted: 2014-07-20
Edited: 2014-07-20

1. Your cursor has to be in a textbox right where you want to place a smiley.
2. To add a smiley, there's a list of some already, just copy the exact pattern and add as many as you want, it looks like this:

image item="1" name="blah, blah, blah ..." src="http://smileys.blah/blabla.gif"/
(i had to delete arrows and backslash 'cause this forum limitation but i think you should be able to figure which likes i'm talking about)

For instance, you found a smiley on some site and want to add to your button. let's say, this: http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-greet013.gif

1. copy the line above (or any in your button) and paste where you would want that smiley to appear in your list, let's say it will be 5th
2. change the number 1 to 5
3. where it says name="name it' (instead of "blah, blah, blah ..." < this will show on a mouse over tooltip on some sites so think carefully)
4. place the url, instead of http://smileys.blah/blabla.gif in my example above, paste http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-greet013.gif
5. save your button/close
6. place your cursor in a textbox on any site, click the button and a menu of your smileys should drop down
7. click the smiley you want and it's url will be placed in that textbox, like so:
8. Move your cursor away from the menu and it will disappear. See the smiley url in the textbox? If a site has preview option, click it and you should see your smiley.

This button works on both html and BBcode coded sites.

Posted: 2014-07-20
Edited: 2014-07-20
● This is if torrenday.com uses BBCode tags.
● You can remove some urls that you don't need if you want, or just leave them there.
● You can add more urls with this same setup.
● If you add this site, greasyfork.org... then you need to add to the HTML line and not the BBCode line.
● Based on the default button posted by srazzano.

} else {
var text = e.target.src;
var win = content.document.location.host;
var command = "cmd_insertText";
var chog = win.match("choggi.org");
var cbsf = win.match("custombuttons.sourceforge.net");
var fuso = win.match("forum.userstyles.org");
var usso = win.match("userscripts.org");
var tmpg = win.match("tmp.garyr.net");
var fmzo = win.match("forums.mozillazine.org");
var torrentday = win.match("torrentday.com");
if (cbsf || fmzo || tmpg || torrentday) text = "[img]" + text + "[/img]"; //BBCode
else if (chog || fuso || usso) text = ''; //HTML
else {

Well this i would never figured out thanks !

1. Your cursor has to be in a textbox right where you want to place a smiley.
2. To add a smiley, there's a list of some already, just copy the exact pattern and add as many as you want, it looks like this:

image item="1" name="blah, blah, blah ..." src="http://smileys.blah/blabla.gif"/
(i had to delete arrows and backslash 'cause this forum limitation but i think you should be able to figure which likes i'm talking about)

For instance, you found a smiley on some site and want to add to your button. let's say, this: http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-greet013.gif

1. copy the line above (or any in your button) and paste where you would want that smiley to appear in your list, let's say it will be 5th
2. change the number 1 to 5
3. where it says name="name it' (instead of "blah, blah, blah ..." < this will show on a mouse over tooltip on some sites so think carefully)
4. place the url, instead of http://smileys.blah/blabla.gif in my example above, paste http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-greet013.gif
5. save your button/close
6. place your cursor in a textbox on any site, click the button and a menu of your smileys should drop down
7. click the smiley you want and it's url will be placed in that textbox, like so:
8. Move your cursor away from the menu and it will disappear. See the smiley url in the textbox? If a site has preview option, click it and you should see your smiley.

This button works on both html and BBcode coded sites.

Very good explanation thanks you :D

Posted: 2014-07-20

You're welcome, Good Luck!

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