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REQ: Amazon Barcode (from old site userscripts.org)
Have you tried to contact the author of the script, it will surely make the required changes
Aurelien Mino: [email protected]
This script uses a number of Greasemonkey's APIs, but has no @grant special metadata block imperative for them.
However, if you use one of Greasemonkey's APIs, you should explicitly ask for them to be granted to your script with the special metadata block imperative: @grant. From GreaseMonkey 2.0 onward, @grant none is assumed by default and if no other values have been specified the script will be granted no special API privileges.
I tested the script you mentionned and it works once you add the following @grant imperatives to the metadata block:
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
Thanks I got it and I didn't know about that so now i will be doing on all old scripts. Thanks for paste useful scripts.
REQ: Amazon Barcode (from old site userscripts.org)
I tried to backup scripts from another laptop to my brand new HP laptop and it doesn't working anymore but my old laptop still using same script since i didn't remove any greasemonkey scripts but old site called userscripts.org is no longer so im using this site since it going to be my home forum/site to download scripts and i hope someone rewrite and post called Amazon Barcode which i found it useful for me especially reveal UPC codes from Amazon products either old releases or upcoming releases.
here's site that might help u to rewrite script:
Make it available this site and let me know so I will be happy to download and edit some AWS keys and secrets to make it work.