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Can the script track the timer, and perform an action (click on the button) when will be "0"?
Yes that's possible.
If you don't give the link that has the youtube video nobody can really help you.
Basically the idea is
setInterval(function(){ //Starts the setInterval as soon as the page loaded
document.querySelector('Element that has the link').href.click(); //Click on the element that has the link
document.querySelector('Element that has the youtube link').click(); //Click on the element that has the youtube link
if(document.querySelector('Element that shows the timer number').innerText === '0')
document.querySelector('Element that has the coins').click(); //Click on the element that has the coins
}, 3000); //wait 3 secs to loop and run everything
hacker09, thx!
But, unfortunately, I did not succeed did so that he fully worked .
Maybe it's all about the IDs I set.
Here are the necessary parts of the page code:
< a href="https://ytmonster.ru/task/youtube/" data-track="notrack" target="_blank">MINI клиент
< div class="timer">< span class="time">34< /span>< /div>
< div class="butt">< input type="submit" onclick="window.close();" value="Получить coin и закрыть окно">< /div>
< iframe id="video-start" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iY93-9S7th0?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=ytplayer&autoplay=0&controls=0"
1) this is a link on the task
2) this is a timer
3) this is the confirmation button
4) this is the link of the embedded video.
I would be grateful if you can make the correct script.
Identifiers that I used:
1) ".panel-body .col-md-6 a" - Correct ID!
2) ".time" - Most likely incorrect ID
3) ".butt" - Most likely incorrect ID
4) ".video-start" - Most likely incorrect ID
*I had to put spaces in the code, as part of the code was deleted when I left a message here.
That doesn't help, please share the website link here.
Or copy and paste the whole website html (CTRL+U) here www.pastebin.com
Uppe.ru [ytmonster.ru] - YT Views
// ==UserScript==
// @name Click on get coins
// @namespace Click on get coins
// @version 0.1
// @description Click on get coins!
// @author hacker09
// @match https://uppe.ru
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var YTparts = document.querySelector("#video-start").src.split('autoplay='); //Get the youtube link and split into parts
var YTPart1 = YTparts[0]; //Get the first yt link part
var YTPart2 = YTparts[1].replaceAll('0', '1'); //Get the second yt link part and replace all yt link yt parameters from 0 to 1
var FullNEWYTLink = YTPart1+'autoplay='+YTPart2; //Join all our modified parts
document.querySelector("#video-start").src = FullNEWYTLink; //Make the iframe have our modified yt link instead of the default yt link
setInterval(function(){ //Starts the setInterval as soon as the page loaded
document.querySelector('.panel-body .col-md-6 a').href.click(); //Click on the element that has the link
if(document.querySelector("div.timer > span").innerText.innerText === '0')
document.querySelector("div.butt").click(); //Click on the element that has the coins
}, 3000); //wait 3 secs to loop and run everything
I doubt that you really sent me the whole website html... So this wasn't really helpful either. At least I couldn't find the element '.panel-body .col-md-6 a' that you said that is correct...
But now you got the main idea
Hi everyone.
On site has tasks with a countdown (20-600 seconds)
Can the script track the timer, and perform an action (click on the button) when will be "0"?
*Timer Code: ".time"
Script actions:
1) Click on the link to the task (https://site.ru/task/youtube/)
2) Click on the video to start it) * Built-in YouTube player
3) Track the timer with a countdown.
4) When on timer "0", perform the action. (click on the button: Get coins)
loop it.
Can someone give a sample code (for this action) ?