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Nyaa.si Batch downloader

Batch download torrents from nyaa.si

< Feedback on Nyaa.si Batch downloader

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2017-06-29

Firefox reliability

Does a great job helping to search and select easily, but when selecting a batch the downloads don't show up reliably. On FF 54.0 (64-bit) for Linux (Ubuntu) a good number of torrents don't show the save/open dialog at all. You will have to check your downloads and go back to select the missing ones.

Posted: 2017-07-12

How strange. I always use firefox (it's what i use to develop with)

I would be surprised if this was anything to do with using Lunix, but i can give it a try.

So if i got this right, you select, say 20 downloads, and a lot of them don't trigger the download window?

I will actually switch out this whole method of downloading via fake click.

What happens is, internally, it creates loads of invisible anchors and clicks them.
There was an issue with firefox not allowing clicks, this has been fixed in firefox ages ago.

This could have been an issue with the fact I changed nyaa.

Let me look at this. I should have a fix for you today :smile:

Thank you for reporting this! and sorry I have not been in contact fast enough :smile:

Posted: 2017-08-04
Does a great job helping to search and select easily, but when selecting a batch the downloads don't show up reliably. On FF 54.0 (64-bit) for Linux (Ubuntu) a good number of torrents don't show the save/open dialog at all. You will have to check your downloads and go back to select the missing ones.

Sorry for the late reply...

Please try the new version. Although I have not been able to reproduce your issue, I have changed the way files are downloaded, and now uses a much more modern API

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