
Flickr Original Link

Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes.

< Feedback on Flickr Original Link

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2014-06-24

Doesnt work?

This doesnt seem to work. Where exactly is it adding the link?

Deleted user 128
Posted: 2014-06-28

No longer works here as well. Flickr changed more than expected, obviously. The site seems obsessed with a 19th century state of mind.

Posted: 2014-06-28

Fixed with version 3.0

Please try again.

Posted: 2014-06-28

Actually Flickr made downloading image very easy today, my method only saved us 1 click and 1-2 seconds of effort :D

Deleted user 128
Posted: 2014-06-28

Just installed Flickr Original Link v. 3.0, but no visible link for original direct download.
Also, there are photos unavailable for download, as in the past, either because the photo is restricted, either because the author has turned off "Share this". As I remember it those restrictions were bypassed by Flickr Original Link, or am I mistaking? Obliges the user to call (in Firefox) the Page Info window and search for the picture via Media : takes longer and enlightens the idea that picture downloading restriction is stupid : if I don't want Mona Lisa stolen i'll keep it in my cellar.

Posted: 2014-06-29

You can see Download button right below the views, favs, comment section. I tested and this script works on Chrome, too.


Posted: 2014-06-29
Edited: 2014-06-29

And by the way even when the photo is restricted, you can still download up to 2048 x 1367 px in size. If there is a special case for you, please send me an example Flickr link to check. Thanks. I'm curious too.

I'm using jQuery, please check if you has something prevent or block that JS.

Deleted user 128
Posted: 2014-06-29

Mea culpa. I must have had my eyes in my pocket (translated from French !). Script hasn't changed and tested with same pics as yesterday, and now I do see the link, be it restricted or not images... T'was late, I guess :)

Thanks, freakingprime, all is well that carries on ...

Posted: 2014-07-12

Very nice. Works great now. Thanks freakingprime!

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