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Flickr Original Link

Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes.

< Feedback on Flickr Original Link

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2020-03-29

Doesn't work

Only thing showing is the Getting original link Please wait... sign and then nothing happens.

Would be great if it could be updated since it is/was the easiest way to save images in full res.

Posted: 2020-05-08

Hi, I guess that I found the problem's cause and a solution. It's related with the Content Security Policy - CSP (https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/security/csp). The problem occurs because the browsers (Chrome and Firefox - Tested) blocked JQuery's $().get() request method execution to obey this policy.

If you check your console, you will see some message like this:

"Refused to connect to '<URL that I tried to access.>' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src https://*.flickr.com https://*.staticflickr.com https://cdn.yahooapis.com https://yui-s.yahooapis.com http://api.flickr.com https://*.pinterest.com https://*.braintreegateway.com https://*.braintree-api.com https://*.sandbox.paypal.com https://*.paypal.com https://*.paypalobjects.com https://tagmanager.google.com https://www.googletagmanager.com https://assets.adobedtm.com https://*.2o7.net https://cdn.siftscience.com https://store.digitalriver.com https://*.flickrpro.com https://*.demdex.net https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net https://*.googlesyndication.com https://api.greenhouse.io https://*.flickrprints.net https://*.flickrprints.com https://csi.gstatic.com https://prebid.adnxs.com https://tlx.3lift.com https://*.adtech.advertising.com https://grid.bidswitch.net https://fastlane.rubiconproject.com https://hbopenbid.pubmatic.com https://as-sec.casalemedia.com https://ib.adnxs.com/ut/v3/prebid https://gum.criteo.com https://prg.smartadserver.com"."

So, to solve this I turned off the Content Security Policy in both browsers. They have diferent mechanisms to turn off the CSP.


1 - Go to about:config 2 - Search for a config parameter called security.csp.enable and change it to false. 3 - I recomend clear the cache and restart the browser, also.


It's seens that Chrome does not give one native option to turn off CSP, but if you search at Chrome Web Store you will find some extensions who do the job for you. I using the 'Disable Content-Security-Policy' (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disable-content-security/ieelmcmcagommplceebfedjlakkhpden) extension and it's working fine for me.

Disable CSP could allow security issues, so I recomend you only disable that while you are using the script. Don't leave browser's CSP disabled all the time.

Posted: 2020-05-28

That did the trick, thank you for your work :)

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