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remove overscroll

Disables the overscroll to homepage feature on spiegel.de and sueddeutsche.de

< Feedback on remove overscroll

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2017-08-15

Additional ID needed

An additional ID is needed for this script to apply to spiegel.de. Line 15 of the script must be

	var $scrollingTargets = jQuery('#article-overscroll-area, #article-overscrolling, #page-overscroll-area');

instead of

	var $scrollingTargets = jQuery('#article-overscroll-area, #article-overscrolling');

With this addition it works for both spiegel.de and sueddeutsche.de.

Posted: 2017-11-13

With the additional ID mentioned by winnewoerp, the script works flawlessly.

But there's a missing grant entry in the script header.
// @include http://www.sueddeutsche.de/*
insert below:
// @grant none

thats' it.

BTW: New user here. How do I insert code-tags like winnewoerp?

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