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MyEpisodes Downloader

Adds download links to MyEpisodes website

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Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2015-11-09

Not working for me

With the new episode checking behavior this code doesn't work. Also *myepisodes.com/views* is not included, but still, that's not the only problem.

Bunta 2Author
Posted: 2015-11-11
Edited: 2015-11-11

Does v1.0 work fine for you?

What is ../views/* used for? I can't find any reference to that URL on the site.

Posted: 2016-02-27

Sorry for the late reply.

I installed the latest version and still have problems with it.
*myepisodes.com/views* is for the Private Show List. Even if I add it, it won't work, but it should since it's the most used part of the site.

Secondly, I find it disappointing that the script doesn't include seasons and episodes in the search. I may have remember it from an other script that searched on TPB.

Posted: 2016-02-27

Found it: http://pastebin.com/bu90fagW

This is an other script that I changed a little bit to work with nCore. What it did is put a link next to the checkboxes which searched for example "The Walking Dead S03E04".

Since the "update" of MyEp it doesn't work so I looked for alternatives and found your script again.

Bunta 2Author
Posted: 2016-07-27
Edited: 2016-07-27

The script does include episode numbers already. Just change the line at the bottom that loads the tracker to use True as the last parameter:

var downloadURL = new Tracker("EZTV", "http://eztv.ag/favicon.ico", "https://eztv.ag/search/", true);

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