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Manga OnlineViewer

Shows all pages at once in online view for these sites: Asura Scans, Batoto, BilibiliComics, Comick, Dynasty-Scans, Flame Comics, Ikigai Mangas - EltaNews, Ikigai Mangas - Ajaco, KuManga, LHTranslation, Local Files, MangaBuddy, MangaDemon, MangaDex, MangaFox, MangaHere, Mangago, MangaHub, MangaKakalot, MangaNelo, MangaNato, MangaOni, Mangareader, MangaToons, ManhwaWeb, MangaGeko.com, MangaGeko.cc, ReadComicsOnline, ReaperScans, TuMangaOnline, WebNovel, WebToons, WeebCentral, Vortex Scans, ZeroSc

< Feedback on Manga OnlineViewer


Posted: 2014-12-22

[Feature request] Option to automatically download zip file

As said in title. Currently we do not have an option to automatically download the generated zip file. It would be awesome to have the feature implemented :)

Currently I've been using something like ::
// Patched generateZip()
function generateZip() {
if (cache.downloadFiles != cache.Data.quant) {
setTimeout(generateZip, 2000);
console.log('Waiting for Files to Downlaod ' + cache.downloadFiles + ' of ' + cache.Data.quant);
} else {
var blobLink = document.getElementById('blob');
try {
blobLink.download = 'MangaOnlineViewer.zip';
blobLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(cache.zip.generate({
type: 'blob'
console.log('Download Ready');
//New JS
var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
var firstZipFile = document.getElementById('blob');
clickEvent.initEvent('click', true, true);
console.log('Autodownloaded download');

to implement (part of) the feature.

btw, the Manga OnlineViewer is an awesome script !!!

Posted: 2014-12-23

It's a simple tweak to add, done it.

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