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Shows all pages at once in online view for these sites: Asura Scans, Batoto, BilibiliComics, Comick, Dynasty-Scans, Flame Comics, Ikigai Mangas - EltaNews, Ikigai Mangas - Ajaco, KuManga, LHTranslation, Local Files, MangaBuddy, MangaDemon, MangaDex, MangaFox, MangaHere, Mangago, MangaHub, MangaKakalot, MangaNelo, MangaNato, MangaOni, Mangareader, MangaToons, ManhwaWeb, MangaGeko.com, MangaGeko.cc, ReadComicsOnline, ReaperScans, TuMangaOnline, WebNovel, WebToons, WeebCentral, Vortex Scans, ZeroSc

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Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2017-12-19

mangahere.co changed to mangahere.cc and mangadoom.co changed to mngdoom.com

As you can read in the title, both sites changed part of their URLs and so the script doesn't recognize them anymore; could you update your script with the new URLs, please?
Thank you =)

Posted: 2017-12-20


Posted: 2017-12-21

Came here to report the same problem. I just ran the update, same version as the one in the script's page and all. Not sure if it's just delay in Greasy Fork updating or something, but still.

I've temporarily changed all the .co to .cc and while it works, it does not load the first page. This is probably because the first page is now http://www.mangahere.cc/manga/*/c*/ instead of http://www.mangahere.cc/manga/*/c*/1.html.


Posted: 2017-12-25
Edited: 2017-12-25

Sorry for the delay of my answer, but I didn't receive any notification from the site and forgot to check. I made sure to update the script to the last version(even removed it, restarted the browser and reinstalled the script; to make sure of using a clean version), but is still not working properly on both sites, whilst working correctly on other sites like Mangatown.com and Mangastream.net.

P.S: must also report that Mangafox.me changed to Mangafox.la, which prevent the script from working correctly there.

EDIT: reread the description of the script, I noticed your installation "Reader" button and I tried it. It is 3 versions more updated then the script available on the site(v.13.21.0), by using the normal "Install this script" button. With this new version v.13.24.0, it seems to recognize both side(plus the Mangafox one I was newly reporting). It remains only the problem of the first page, as reported from FengLengshun.
Thanks for already big update anyway =D

Posted: 2017-12-26

Yes, greasefork is not synchronizing with the latest version, even thou its configured, I need to remember to force it every time.

Posted: 2018-04-20

Yeah i love both sites but i've recently found another great one to watch free manga freemangahere.com

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