1.bypass the redirect link at baidu\sogou\google\haosou; 2.remove ads at baidu; 3.add Favicon for each website; 4.render your own style; 5.counter; 6.Switch to handle all 7.Auto Pager
< Feedback on AC-baidu-google_sogou_bing_RedirectRemove_favicon_adaway_TwoLine
@inDarkness 说道: 自定义中设置为原始模式即可解决~应该可以
I'm having issues with this if there are videos in the search r###lts. It blows the columns horribly out of whack. Please see image. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you!
@"Kris Rowlands" 说道: I'm having issues with this if there are videos in the search r###lts. It blows the columns horribly out of whack. Please see image. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you!
I also have the bug and now I use the script(https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/10224-googlemonkeyr-update-by-roxz). But Number r###lts of it can not work.
15.1版本与GoogleMonkeyR Fix (Jul 2017)冲突
