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Toggle Messenger Sidebar

Button to hide messengers list of conversations

< Feedback on Toggle Messenger Sidebar

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2020-12-06
Edited: 2020-12-06

Since FB changed the UI of Messenger, it stopped working.

Here is my solution:

$(document).ready(function() {
/*Run after the sidebar loaded*/
var keepGettingConvThreads = setInterval(
if(document.querySelector(".g0mhvs5p")){/*if the sidebar exists*/
/*Stop the loop*/
/*get the sidebar*/
var convThreads = document.querySelector(".g0mhvs5p");
/*let it looks like [<] in the beginning*/
/*The appearance of the switch. The switch covers the head icon of the chat, and auto-hide itself.*/
"left": (convThreads.offsetWidth + "px"),
"opacity": 0,
"transition": "opacity .5s"
/*And the switch appear when the mouse hovering on it.*/
styleTagPlugIn("#showHideButton:hover", {"opacity":1});
/*   [<] for hiding the sidebar <--> [>] for showing the sidebar    */
var convThreads = document.querySelector(".g0mhvs5p");
if(convThreads.style.display == 'none'){
convThreads.style.display = 'block';
showHideButton.value = "<";
showHideButton.style["left"] = convThreads.offsetWidth + "px";
}else {
convThreads.style.display = 'none';
showHideButton.value = ">";
showHideButton.style["left"] = 0;
}, 500
function styleTagPlugIn(query, list){
var element = document.createElement("style");
element.innerText += query + '{\n';
for(var key in list){
element.innerText += "\t" + key + ": " + list[key] + ";\n";
element.innerText += '}'
Posted: 2021-08-22
Edited: 2021-08-22

Ahh yeah, it's broken again. New solution with UI improvement:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Toggle Messenger Sidebar [Modified]
// @namespace http://jamesswandale.com/
// @version 0.2.1
// @description Button to hide messengers list of conversations
// @match https://www.messenger.com/*
// @copyright 2015+, James Swandale
// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
// ==/UserScript==
$(document).ready(function() {
/*Run after the sidebar loaded*/
var keepGettingConvThreads = setInterval(
if(document.querySelector('[role="navigation"]')){/*if the sidebar exists*/
/*Stop the loop*/
/*get the sidebar*/
var convThreads = document.querySelector('[role="navigation"]');
/*let it looks like [<] in the beginning*/
$('body').append('<input type="button" value="<" id="showHideButton" style="">');
/*The appearance of the switch. The switch auto-hide itself.*/
//"left": (convThreads.offsetWidth + "px"),
"left": "-60px",
"opacity": 0,
//"transition": "opacity .5s"
"transition": "opacity .5s, left .5s"
/*And the switch appear when the mouse hovering on it.*/
styleTagPlugIn("#showHideButton:hover", {"opacity":1, "left": "0px"});
/*   [<] for hiding the sidebar <--> [>] for showing the sidebar    */
var convThreads = document.querySelector('[role="navigation"]');
if(convThreads.style.display == 'none'){
convThreads.style.display = 'block';
showHideButton.value = "<";
//showHideButton.style["left"] = convThreads.offsetWidth + "px";
}else {
convThreads.style.display = 'none';
showHideButton.value = ">";
//showHideButton.style["left"] = 0;
}, 500
function styleTagPlugIn(query, list){
var element = document.createElement("style");
element.innerText += query + '{\n';
for(var key in list){
element.innerText += "\t" + key + ": " + list[key] + ";\n";
element.innerText += '}'

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