Highlight DRM-related words in Steam Store pages.
< Feedback on Steam DRM Highlighter Revenant
I'm more than happy to add in any improvements you have. :smiley:
From your description, I'm not sure how to go about flagging Denuvo other than flagging publishers who are known to make heavy use of it.
One thing I should be clear about: I have some basic to mid-range experience coding in a few other languages, but I don't understand JavaScript beyond the similarities I can see to other languages. If you have proposed changes, it would be easiest if you make the changes and send me the final, working userscript.
Or, if you prefer, I am happy to turn over control to you—especially if you'd like to be the one getting the credit for the heavy lifting, so to speak. ;)
No need to turn it over, Javascript isn't my forte either. :wink:
Outside of the bad words list, the main change to the code I made was to update line 254 to this:+ ' (forum, list)'
So that the link to the list used the newer wiki url.
Outside of that I've primarily done an expansion to the bad words database, mostly in terms of adding specific titles with a few notes for organization since there's no viable keywords on the store pages, after combing through PCGamingWiki's hardware-based DRM list and finding some that weren't being flagged.(function() {
var bad_words = [
/3rd-party DRM/gi
,/FrontLine ProActive/gi
,/Square Enix account/gi
,/(Microsoft ?)?Games For Windows( ?. ?)?( ?LIVE)/gi
,/EA (Access|Account)/gi
,/Kalypso account/gi
,/Microsoft SSA/gi
,/Ubisoft’?s? Online Services?( Platform)?/gi
,/(permanent |persistent )(high speed )?Internet( connection| access)?/gi
,/revoke license/gi
,/([0-9]+ |unlimited )?(per (week|month|year) |total )?(machines? )?activations?( limit)?/gi
// Reality Pump fine tuning
// Matching whitespace to reduce false-positives.
,/^\s*\bReality Pump\b\s*$/gi
// This version matches in http://store.steampowered.com/sub/13656/
,/DRM Reality Pump\b/gi
// This entry has no mention of the DRM on the store page http://store.steampowered.com/app/253880
,/^\s*Earth 2150 Trilogy\s*$/g
// These games use SecuRom, but that's not described on their store pages
,/^\s*Blood Bowl.? Legendary Edition\s*$/g
// These games use TAGES/SolidShield, but that's not described on their
// store pages
,/^\s*Gothic.? 3\s*$/g
,/^\s*Jack Keane\s*$/g
,/^\s*S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky\s*$/g
,/^\s*Silverfall: Earth Awakening\s*$/g
,/^\s*Silverfall: Complete\s*$/g
// These games use Game For Windows, but that's not described on their
// store pages
,/^\s*Kane (&|and) Lynch: Dead Men.?\s*$/g
,/^\s*Section 8\s*$/g
,/^\s*The Club.?\s*$/g
// These games use Denuvo Anti-Tamper, but that's not described
// on their store pages
,/^\s*Far Cry.? Primal\s*$/g
,/^\s*Batman.?: Arkham Knight\s*$/g
,/^\s*Rise of the Tomb Raider.?\s*$/g
,/^\s*Mad Max\s*$/g
,/^\s*Lords Of The Fallen.?\s*$/g
,/^\s*Just Cause.? 3\s*$/g
// These games use other DRM like VMProtect, homegrown online activation, etc
// but that's not described on their store pages
,/^\s*Arma 3\s*$/g
,/^\s*Fritz Chess 14\s*$/g
,/^\s*Monster Trucks Nitro\s*$/g
,/^\s*Tales of Symphonia\s*$/g
//Postal III is iffy, wiki links to a DRM removal from the devs that 404s,
//might have been added into the game itself but can't find anything about it.
//Due to general sketchiness of all involved, I'm going to assume ACTControl is still active.
,/^\s*Postal III\s*$/g
I have Postal III separated out because that entire saga is pretty weird. It can probably have my (personal, increasingly confused as I looked into it) notes removed and just be added onto the 'other' category right before it.
Without making the script needlessly complicated I'm not sure how to handle Denuvo either, so manual additions seem to be the better part of valor at the moment. Flagging the publisher itself could work but in Square-Enix's case it's releasing some titles without it, just to make things more annoying.
You can use the above additions however you'd like, no credit required unless you really want to. :smile:
Ah, I forgot. Along with the specific titles being named I did add two additions to the general bad words which was included in the code block. For convenience:,/Denuvo/gi
This doesn't do anything, it's more of a precaution in case the DRM becomes common place enough to get mentioned on the store page or a user review happens to mention it.,/revoke license/gi
Alone in the Dark had a blurb pertaining to SecuROM hidden under system requirements using that phrase.
I also added some extra stuff to the preexisting Reality Pump fine tuning, as a single title wasn't getting flagged via the keywords.
Hey, Wren. I'm very sorry that it took so long to get back to you. I went ahead and made most of the changes you suggested, plus un-broke the script for the new Steam interface. (False positives on "Key Activations" under "Purchase Type".) Frankly, that last is what brought me back to the script; I think I missed a couple of notifications from Greasyfork about your replies...
I couldn't put in a "proper" fix for the "Key Activations" issue; apparently, I still don't have the hang of lookahead / lookbehind negation in JS regex. If you'd like to take a look at that and see if you can fix it properly, that would be great.
Also, if you know of any games that have added undeclared DRM... or removed it... updates for that sort of thing would be very useful. :wink:
Adding in Denuvo warnings?
Hi there, I'm a long time user of the original script and recently swapped over to yours since it's staying updated.
I was curious if you've looked into adding highlighting for games using the new Denuvo anti-tamper DRM? I've been updating the script manually as new ones are announced (it's mostly Square Enix and Ubisoft right now and in total is 7 games on Steam at the moment, but it's clearly increasing in popularity with publishers) but that obviously gets overridden when you update it yourself.
The main issue with it is that these publishers are hiding the notification at the end of their EULAs rather than the store page, so they have to be added by hand on release much like some of the legacy GfWL games (the first Kane & Lynch, for instance)
I've also added a few other keywords (some games with SecuRom weren't being highlighted due to vague wording on their store page) and QoL improvements (the link to the list on pc gaming wiki is very out of date), if you'd be interested in just incorporating some of my changes.