Easily add site: or -site: to modify your current Google query. v1.5.2 2023-02-25
Google Chrome users: Install the Tampermonkey extension or Violentmonkey extension from the Chrome store BEFORE installing this userscript.
Firefox Quantum (57+) users: Install the Violentmonkey extension or Tampermonkey extension from Mozilla Add-ons BEFORE installing this userscript. The script might also work in the Greasemonkey extension.
Firefox 45-56 users: Install a legacy version of the Greasemonkey extension from Mozilla Add-ons BEFORE installing this userscript.
Other Browsers: I honestly have no idea.
Want to limit your query to a particular site in the r###lts? Or to re-run the query excluding that site from the r###lts? Click the green citation URL below the r###lt header to display a form. It should be self-explanatory from there, but see the screen shots below for an example.
For a more detailed description, check out Ann Smarty's article 3 FireFox Addons to Use Google's SITE: More Effectively at ShimonSandler.com. Apologies for obsoleting the screen shot so quickly!
The script makes the green citation clickable:
You may have choices of directories on the site in addition to the main domain.
Click the + button to limit your query to this site, or the - button to exclude the domain. This dialog also has a checkbox to change script options (click Edit Script Options).
R###lt of + button:
R###lt of - button:
The script detects the "title and date" format in r###lts, indents it, and adds a link for More R###lts:
By default, the script adds "more r###lts from" links but these open in the same window or tab. You can check a box in options to open them in a new wndow or tab. Also, by default, the script shows the domain without www as the first option. If you always want to drop the first subdomain, there now is a checkbox for that (e.g., productforums.google.com and groups.google.com could be omitted by omitting google.com). This feature may offer nonsense choices in multi-level TLDs (e.g., co.uk).