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< Feedback on IMDb: Link 'em all!

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2018-07-28
Edited: 2018-08-28

Add movie & serial database websites

Please add the following websites:

Movies & serials databases

simkl.com themoviedb.org ofdb.de omdb.de

Movies & serials nudity databases

nudography.com ancensored.com cndb.com mrskin.com

Posted: 2018-08-03

Thank you for your suggestions! I updated the script.

simkl The website doesn't have a search page, only an API that wouldn't make sense to link to.

themoviedb.org Already in the script.


Added with r###lts fetching.


Added link to r###lts.

Celeb nudity is clearly not the focus of this script. I suggest creating a separate script for these.

Posted: 2018-08-28

themoviedb.org Already in the script.

Sorry, my mistake, I ment moviedb.me .

Posted: 2018-08-29

Please add these classic movie sites:

club-classic.com rarefilm.net wipfilms.net cat3plus.com

Posted: 2018-09-28

@Anonymer-User said:

Please add these classic movie sites:

club-classic.com rarefilm.net wipfilms.net cat3plus.com

I added all four.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Posted: 2018-09-28

@Anonymer-User schrieb: themoviedb.org Already in the script.

Sorry, my mistake, I ment moviedb.me .


Posted: 2019-02-08

Thank you. :)

Please also add the following sites which have only or mostly only TV series & TV Shows:

project-free-tv.ag tvbox.ag tvmuse.cc tv1.fanstash.net best-series.me seriesout.com seriesfreetv.com tuserie.com newepisodes.co telepisodes.org watch-series.fun watchseries-online.be watchseries1.cc watchseries.si watchseries.ovh onlineseries.ucoz.com serienjunkies.org bs.to s.to

(watchseries1.cc, watchseries.si & watchseries.ovh are not mirrors, but different websites)

Posted: 2019-02-09

Could you provide a Pull Request?

@Anonymer-User schrieb: Thank you. :)

Please also add the following sites which have only or mostly only TV series & TV Shows:

project-free-tv.ag tvbox.ag tvmuse.cc tv1.fanstash.net best-series.me seriesout.com seriesfreetv.com tuserie.com newepisodes.co telepisodes.org watch-series.fun watchseries-online.be watchseries1.cc watchseries.si watchseries.ovh onlineseries.ucoz.com serienjunkies.org bs.to s.to

(watchseries1.cc, watchseries.si & watchseries.ovh are not mirrors, but different websites)

Posted: 2019-02-09
Edited: 2019-02-09

How to edit the script to have search like that (with - or + between each words): https://cinemay.ws/films/le-secret-des-kennedy/ https://www.voirfilms.one/recherche?story=Pacific+Rim and not (with space between words): https://cinemay.ws/films/Le secret des Kennedy https://www.voirfilms.one/recherche?story=Le%20secret%20des%20Kennedy

Posted: 2019-02-09
Edited: 2019-02-09

Add a "Streaming" category:

      toblek: [
Posted: 2019-03-09

Added Toblek.

Posted: 2019-03-14
Edited: 2019-03-14

Thanks! Can you ad for it: "shows availability" Other request It's possible too to add a "Streaming" category ? I try to do it, but .....

Posted: 2019-03-18
Edited: 2020-08-03

RE EDIT (2020.08) for corrections (Many Sites removed)
Here some goods site around streaming (used and tested):

- https://www1.filmstreaming.to/
- https://films-streamingfv.com/:
- https://www.voirfilms.mx/:
- https://www1.k-streaming.tv/films/
- https://hdss.to/
(2020.08) - https://www.filmfs.co/films
- https://w1.seriestreaming.site/:
(2020.08) - http://www.streaming-world.fr/#id (2020.08)

And an another list:
Liste de bons Sites de Streaming: testée 2020.08

But, too Many Deads sites, PUB / Closed / Not Workings :
That's why Stream - DuckDuckGo - Streaming Helper is useful to not lost your time!

Posted: 2019-05-10

Another best website to watch movies online is Emule island

Posted: 2019-05-10

@"Mbungu ngoma" a dit : Another best website to watch movies online is Emule island I don't see where to watch any full movie in streaming .. An example

Posted: 2019-07-29

thanks awesome bro can yyou please add this french website streaming https://vf-stream.ws/

Posted: 2019-08-20

@vsvdvsd a dit : TOP 9 DES MEILLEURS SITES DE STREAMING / Pour regarder des Films et des Séries Gratuitement !! 2019 Altertinative a Netflix France Tuto regarder des films & series gratuitement France

Bof/bof: Tous avec inscriptions !

css: .tolro_b , .c-lefermeur { display: none !important; }

Posted: 2020-08-03

Can you change Tolbek (Removed site to this one (similar site):

// http://www.urmoon.com/qswx3wx1jkl547s/
urmoon: [
// http://www.urmoon.com/qswx3wx1jkl547s/index.php?searchword=TEST&ordering=&searchphrase=all&Itemid=27&option=com_search

Posted: 2020-08-29

Can you change Tolbek (Removed site to this one (similar site):

// http://www.urmoon.com/qswx3wx1jkl547s/ urmoon: [


Posted: 2020-09-10
Edited: 2020-09-11

Work perfectly: site is always alive ;-)
How to add ourself a site ?
OK, i see where are the list of sites:
There are plans to add/override single entries through the configuration. So you will be able to edit single URLs. It's not implemented though.
Maybe you can use wedata? like autopagerize use it for adding rules?

PS: thanks for the new interface...

Posted: 2020-09-11

Wedata looks really great. I was researching for possibilities to have a community driven database kind of thing. To make user contributions super simple. I was thinking about a web form where users can edit and add entries. I'm going to look into this.

Posted: 2020-09-11
Posted: 2021-06-27

Don't forgot wawacity.xyz

Posted: 2021-07-10

Broken for AlloCiné.
They change something.
Now that's is like this:

Posted: 2021-07-10
Edited: 2021-07-10

Can you change Urmon (Removed site to this one (similar site):
by this one Vagdi.
I can't test it in your script, because we have not access to a way to edit easily now.

I keep the old layout as template (but change the icon...), maybe it's good:

// http://vagdi.com/eg4a7qc56o/
vagdi: [
// http://vagdi.com/eg4a7qc56o/index.php?searchword=TEST&ordering=&searchphrase=all&Itemid=27&option=com_search

Posted: 2021-07-12

I added the Obvin streaming site and removed Urmoon. Obvin seems to have the exact same content as vagdi

Posted: 2021-07-14
I added the Obvin streaming site and removed Urmoon. Obvin seems to have the exact same content as vagdi

Yes that's the same "family"... (i found more than 20 working childs in it).

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