Organises badges on the profile better
Original Author: Dazzer
Original Host:
Created: ???
Updated: 27/11/07
Total installs on original host as of 06/03/16: 885
Working Status: Defunct (Site Updates)
Dev notes:
Kongregate Profile Badges Organisation Script
Please note that this script should be run on the Profile Badges page, and not the Badge page linked in the Navbar.
Script Homepage
Version 1
* Sorts by Completion
* Sorts by Difficulty (incomplete badges are placed first)
* Sidebar now floats on the right, since the page is just wayyyyyy too long)
Version 1.1
* Lag is GONE!
Version 1.2
* GreaseMonkey compliant! You can now copy and paste it into your own GreaseMonkey script.
* Cleaned up some of the code, and increased compression. 2553 bytes.
* Links no longer close to each other.
Version 1.3
* Cleaned up the Menulinks
* Added Alphabetical Sort
Version 1.4
* Fixed RightClick bug (My fault, had the CSS Clear in the wrong element)