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Kongregate Ad Bypass JS - Bypasses Kongregate Ads
New Inline Tier Charts JS - This will provide an inline tier chart for Dawn of the Dragons.Maps created by Brayden.Tiers collected by Warric.
DotDReloader JS - Reloads game or chat individually. Requires Mutik to be installed first.
Kongregate Chat Timestamp Killer JS - Remove timestamps from kong chat and fix whitespace
Kongregate Chat Timestamp Mover JS - Moves timestamps to the same line as the username.
Kongregate Legacy of a Thousand Suns Raid Link Helper JS - Improves the text of raid links and stuff
DotD tools JS - Tools for DotD on Kongregate
Tools Doa De DylanProDoa (modded by Dylan) JS - Tool Pour Doa, Fait Par DydyTool
Kongregate One JS - Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.
Southpaw018's Kongscripts JS - Minor modifications to Kongregate's interface
Kongregate One JS - Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.
Kongquer JS - Adds a number of commands to Kongregate chat
FaK+ JS - Ever wanted to be K+? This adds a K+ on your screen... no private chats... and not on other screens... FUN!!!
Kong Time JS - Keeps track of how much time you've spent on Kong today
DotD Mutik Chatmover JS - moves the alliance chat provided by mutik's script( to a seperate window. Developement at
Nombres con diferentes colores (para Uli) JS - Cambia los colores de los nombres de la gente que tenés agregada, de los moderadores y de la persona más guapa de Argentina.
Cambiar los colores del chat JS - Cambia los colores del chat de
Notificador de ausencias JS - Te avisa cuando algún amigo tuyo se va.
/mute y /unmute JS - Agrega al chat de el comando /mute [-l] <nombres separados por espacio>.
Disable Kong's Stupid Chat Filter JS - Disable stupid chat filters
Kongregate+ *OLD* JS - This script overhauls Kongregate to make it look and function much better than it currently does.
Profile Badges *OLD* JS - Organises badges on the profile better
KongSearch *OLD* JS - Links Kong search to Google
General Badges *OLD* JS - Changes the General Badges page, with Ajax loading of Badges
Auto-rate *OLD* JS - Auto-rates a game with a random number of stars
Full Screen Kongregate *OLD* JS - Play games at full browser size
Reply-command *OLD* JS - Adds a reply command
Reply-command (hotkey) *OLD* JS - Inserts the username of the last user who whispered you when pressing Alt-R
Chat /r Function *OLD* JS - Allows the use of /r function in chat
Chat Full Profile Link *OLD* JS - Modify the 'View Profile' link in chat to open full (instead of chat) profile
AFK-command *OLD* JS - Adds an /afk-command
Character-limit *OLD* JS - Stops and tells you when past the chat limit
Chat Message Length Notifier *OLD* JS - Notifies you if the message you're sending is too long
AFK-command (for Chrome 1.x) JS - Adds /afk to chat as well as an afk message
Chat Full Profile Linker *OLD* JS - Opens a user's full profile by right-clicking on their name
AFK-color *OLD* JS - Changes color of AFK-users
Chat Line Highlighting JS - Highlights lines which include your name and other set words
Username-completion JS - Tab cycles through users starting with characters
Chat Timestamp And Whisper Link *OLD* JS - Shows timestamp and whisper-link on mouseover of message sender
Widescreen Forum *OLD* JS - Adjusts the width of the forums
Modcaller *OLD* JS - Adds a modcall link to the chat
Ventero's Chat-scripts Framework *OLD* JS - Required by all of Ventero's Kongregate scripts
In-Chat Timestamp JS - Adds a timestamp to every message
Admin Forum Identifier *OLD* JS - Identifies staff members in the forums
KongreGet *OLD* JS - Gives stats while in chat
Kongregate Chat Deleter JS - Deletes the Chat box from the page
ChatHider *OLD* JS - Hides chat by default, but adds show/hide links
Tell-command JS - Adds a /t-command for Kongregate's chat which automatically replaces with "/w" when pressing space. This is to allow for an easy transition betwen Kong chat and most MMOs
Alternate Post Appearance *OLD* JS - Changes the appearance of posts
Badge Borders *OLD* JS - Adds colorful borders to badge icons based on their difficulty
Kongregate PM Notifier *OLD* JS - Blinks the favicon, prepends an unread count and plays a chime when the chat window loses focus and you receive PMs. /pmchime toggles the chime on and off.
Kongregate Mouseover API Checker JS - When mouseovering a game in the game browser, this script checks if that game has API.
Chat Resizer JS - Automatically resizes the chat to a specified value.
Kongregate two-way messager JS - Allows for automatic whisper conversations, negating the need for having to constantly enter /w username to talk to the same person. "/2w username message" to start a conversation, "/2w" to end it. "/s" or "/speak" to send a message to the chatroom without ending the conversation.
Fullscreen Chat *OLD* JS - Adds a command to hide the game and expand chat
ForumEnhancement JS - Allow tabbing in forum posting
"That's what she said." JS - Adds a "That's what she said." button and chat command
KongreLink *OLD* JS - Clickable links in chat
UserList Scroll Enhancement JS - Prevents the UserList in chat from scrolling from it's current view when users join or leave.
Green Friends *OLD* JS - Friends names appear green in chat
Friend Icon Revert *OLD* JS - Reverts the friend icon back to the star
ChatBug Fix: Scrolling JS - Pevents scrolling of kongregate chat from freazing at a certain point.
Muted and Away Colour Fix JS - Fixes users who are both muted and AFK from appearing as though they are silenced.
Orange Moderators *OLD* JS - Moderator names appear orange in chat
AutoAfk JS - Automatically marks you as AFK after a specified period of time greater than zero. Type "/aafk time_in_minutes" to automatically go afk after time_in_minutes; "/aafk 0.1" will mark you as afk 6 seconds after you send a message
MuteList *OLD* JS - Adds a /mutelist <regxp> command
MuteCommands JS - Adds commands to mute and unmute people. /mute <username> /unmute <username> /ignore <username> /unignore <username> /mute all will mute all of chat until you type /unmute all
FriendCommands *OLD* JS - Adds commands to add and remove people from your friends list
AprilFilter *OLD* JS - Enable the "pity the" fool's day filter.
ReloadCommands *OLD* JS - Gives commands to reload the chat, game, or page
WhisperWindow *OLD* JS - Lets you make a separate chat tab for whispers
MessageHistory JS - Stores the messages you send and allows you to recall them with ctrl+up and ctrl+down; Your current message is at the end of ctrl+down if you don't start typing.
TextileChat JS - Adds a variant textile support to chat
ChatEnhancements *OLD* JS - Combination of Skyboy's chat scripts
MessageTime JS - Displays the time difference between the time the last message and new message was sent in the format [00s] [09m] [05h]
Kongregate View Link Fixer JS - This fixes the view links on Kong to actually take you to the page containing the post referenced
Average level JS - Returns the average level of the current chat room
Muted users JS - Check if you have still muted somebody.
MiscCommands *OLD* JS - Adds slap commands
KongNewGameLink JS - Adds a Kong Newest Games link easy find
ChatLog JS - Downloads all messages (including private) in current chat
ReplyEnhancement JS - When you type /r or /reply it gets replace with /w name message. This version doesn't replace /reload like ventero's.
KongMotto JS - Adds some humorous mottos instead of the generic "X playing X online games"
Challenge Notification Remover for Kongregate Chat JS - This script removes the challenge notification in Kongregate's Chat
Kongregate statuscolor JS - Shows a color to display the status of a poster instead of a symbol.
AntiSpam *OLD* JS - Insta-mutes spammers temporarily
TempMute *OLD* JS - Allows you to temporary mute people
Delete Friend Link *OLD* JS - Adds a "delete friend" link on their profiles
Colorful Text Ratings *OLD* JS - Changes game star rating to a colour-coded text rating
ImagePreview *OLD* JS - Gives a preview of images linked in chat
NoGameStop *OLD* JS - Removed the GameStop banner
Kongregate Beta! JS - Returns the "beta"-tag.
Kongregate played JS - Caches recently played games.
Game Comments Enhancer *OLD* JS - Lets you specify a rating threshold for & adds pagination to comments
Kongregate Textbox Extender JS - Enlarges texbox areas when writing PMs, shouts, your About Me section, and when replying to messages. Simply double-click to toggle normal/extended textbox. Custom length available in User Script Commands.
Multiple Game Opener *OLD* JS - Opens all games in new tabs
RoomJoinEnhancement *OLD* JS - Allows you to join any room, full or not
MessageTimev2 *OLD* JS - Gives hover timestamps as well as periodic time notifications
Kongregate forum post width fix JS - Prevents right side of posts from being cut off