Stops and tells you when past the chat limit
Original Author: Ventero
Original Host:
Created: "05/12/09"[sic?]
Updated: 29/01/12
Total installs on original host as of 06/03/16: 2,679
Working Status: Obsolete (see KongOne)
Dev notes:
Doesn't allow more than 250 characters in the input box (250 characters is Kong's message-length-limit)
Version: 1.5.2
Note: If you're using Firefox or Chrome, you need my framework-script in order to make this script work! So make sure it is installed when installing this one!
Version 1.5.1: Compatibility fix for FF4.
Version 1.5: Added auto-updater
Version 1.4: Added Chrome 4-support. Requires the new version of my framework-script
Version 1.3: Added Chrome 3-support
Version 1.2: Script works now with Firefox, Opera and Chrome again
Version 1.1: Compatibility-fix!
This script prevents you from typing more than 250 characters into the input-box.
This script is placed in the public domain.