Adds /afk to chat as well as an afk message
Original Author: Ventero
Original Host:
Created: "05/12/09"
Updated: 19/04/12
Total installs on original host as of 22/03/16: 1,873
Working Status: Obsolete
Dev notes:
Chrome-version of this script: Adds an /afk-command to Kongregate's chat, which will flag you as afk. When flagged as afk, you automatically send a notice to the user who whispered you.
The default-text of this notice is "[AFK] I am currently AFK", but can be customized by using the /afkmessage-command. To turn off the flag, just type /afk again. By default, the flag gets removed whenever you send a message. To turn off that behaviour, just type /afktoggle.
It is compatible to Nabb's /r-script, but probably incompatible to most other scripts.
For Chrome 2.x, just place the Firefox-version of this script in your User Scripts folder (subfolder of User Data)