Hides chat by default, but adds show/hide links
Original Author: Kilandor
Original Host: http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/57794
Created: ???
Updated: 15/09/09
Total installs on original host as of 22/04/16: 274
Working Status: Unknown
Dev notes:
Hides Kongregate Chat by Default, but adds show/hide links
Script homepage
This Script is pretty simple, and maybe not 100% the best but it does what I wanted. Which was to disable being forced into the chat being displayed and listening to the "Children".
It uses Jquery since I had problems getting regular JS to work with Kongregate, or maybe its just my lack of skills.
This Script adds a menu below the tabs on the right of the game for Show / Hide, and by default chat is hidden now.
I couldn't find an effective/way to Hide the mini menu when not on chat tab, but it shouldn't matter to anyone it doesn't take up much room.