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SG Game Tags

some tags of the game in Steamgifts.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2.8</span></td> 2016-04-13 Imported from URL
  • v2.9 2016-04-13 fix tampermonkey cross origin policy warning
  • v2.8 2016-04-10 Added "Wishlist" tag, Added support to http://www.steamgifts.com/account/steam/wishlist and http://www.steamgifts.com/account/steam/games
  • v2.7 2016-04-05 added support to sales page
  • v2.6 2016-04-03 add @ connect for new cross origin policy with tampermonkey
  • v2.5 2016-03-29 fix checkbox problem with firefox
  • v2.4 2016-03-28 Reoptimize request data to Steam for Trading Cards and Achievements tags. Now 1 request for 1 game instead of separate requests for Trading Cards and Achievements. Added User Preferences to enable/disable tags in http://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/giveaways. Change tags border-radius from 20px to 4px to match SG theme.
  • v2.3 2016-03-26 fix bundled & hidden tags for game with (+) in its name
  • v2.2 2016-03-25 added support to http://www.steamgifts.com/group/
  • v2.1 2016-03-22 forget to change "Cards" to "Trading Cards"
  • v2.0 2016-03-22 Added support to "created", "entered", "won", "filters", "new", and community wishlist page. Change tags location under the game's title. Now I can add more tags. So "Cards" tag changed back to "Trading Cards". Added Achievements & Hidden tags. Hidden tags only appear inside giveaway page. Change tags link for packages, now opens steam storepage.
  • v1.0 2016-03-19 Requested data is now saved. The scripts now assume if the game has trading cards or is bundled, it will always be. The script now checks all of the games in package to see if one of them has trading cards. Error handling in some pages. The scripts will try to print out error description in console logs. (for advance user).
  • v0.2 2016-03-18 Use GM_xmlhttprequest instead cors.io to bypass CORS.
  • v0.1 2016-03-17

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