Hotkeys for BvS Zombjas
Zombjas Hotkeys
Use numpad or keys around S to move.
Press numpad 5 or S key for actions in order:
Heal Infection > Thriller > Bargler > Thumper > Nom > Zombja > Heal HP
Press L to search
If a player pin is available, taking it will override all other actions.
I started out with the version by Authority2 and ended up completely rewriting almost all of the code. Changes from his verison:
Optimized strategy. added heal infection, heal HP, and search (L key). Instead of keys surrounding G (middle of keyboard, awkward), use numpad and keys surrounding S (left and right handed options). switched include to match. rewrote almost all code. fixed bug where key detected press rather than relese despite notes saying otherwise.
// @history 3 Removed searching from contextual action button. Tweaked hospital strategy (heal infection, then fight, then heal HP). Added special key for searching specifically (L). version by taltamir.
// @history 2 Optimized strategy. added heal infection, heal HP, and search. Instead of keys surrounding G, use numpad and keys surrounding S (left and right handed options). switched include to match. rewrote almost all code. fixed bug where key detected press rather than relese despite notes saying otherwise. version by taltamir
// @history 1.0 Initial version by Authority2