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JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.

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Posted: 2018-03-12

Not working in Firefox

Goes to a failed search page: https://worker.mturk.com/?filters[search_term]=pandacrazy=on

Is a we can't find that amazon page: https://worker.mturk.com/requesters/PandaCrazy/projects

I stuck it in chrome and it seems to work there but I prefer firefox.

Posted: 2018-03-14

Be sure you are using Tampermonkey with Firefox. Script will not work in Greasemonkey on Firefox.

Posted: 2018-03-15
Edited: 2018-03-15

Yes. I'm using tampermonkey and it was working fine then just quit. I tried uninstalling tampermonkey and then reinstalling but it didn't help anything. I even tried disabling all other scripts and plugins in case there was a compatibility issue but nope same issue.

Actually it may be tampermonkey as it is gray and is supposed to be black right? It says the scripts are on though. I guess I'll have to look into tampermonkey issues.

Edit: I found this https://forum.tampermonkey.net/viewtopic.php?t=416 when I deleted and reinstalled the scripts were still there so maybe I have to remove all the scripts first :( that sucks since will loose the info since can't export since not working.

Posted: 2018-03-15

Yes. I'm using tampermonkey and it was working fine then just quit. I tried uninstalling tampermonkey and then reinstalling but it didn't help anything. I even tried disabling all other scripts and plugins in case there was a compatibility issue but nope same issue.

Actually it may be tampermonkey as it is gray and is supposed to be black right? It says the scripts are on though. I guess I'll have to look into tampermonkey issues.

Edit: I found this https://forum.tampermonkey.net/viewtopic.php?t=416 when I deleted and reinstalled the scripts were still there so maybe I have to remove all the scripts first :( that sucks since will loose the info since can't export since not working.

Final Edit: resorted to a "factory reset" for tampermonkey then reinstalled JRPanda crazy and it works now, so guess it was tampermonkey broke somehow, kinda sad but some of the searches are on my older computer so can export that. So resolved but not in the way I would have preferred.

Posted: 2018-03-15

oops nope not fixed soon as I closed then reopened the browser it was broken again.

Posted: 2018-03-15
Edited: 2018-03-15

oops nope not fixed soon as I closed then reopened the browser it was broken again.

Edit: removed all 2 other scrips I had added and restarted and it's working again. Okay comparability issue after all. Guess that explains why I'm the only one. So probably fixed just have to figure out which one to avoid.

So if anyone else has issues they'll have some idea what to mess with instead of flailing about like I had to. Wasn't a script though was an add on autocopy(darn will miss that) but disabling didn't fix it had to remove totally.

Posted: 2018-03-18

And my system updated and now it's broken again. :( I may have to look for an alternative.

Posted: 2018-03-18

Disabled some more add ons and it's working again but at this rate I'll have nothing running but this. Maybe the code could be tweaked to prevent other things from running on the same page?

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