Let's you search multiple cities at the same time and presents r###lts in a clean and concise fashion.
< Feedback on Craigslist Enhancer
Please help. I need the search r###lts to show images!. Can you make the search r###lts display in a "gallery" layout?? Please?
I guess I do not get any sort of emails from this site! The images are supposed to load, so craigslist must have changed something. I will take a look at it.
I uploaded a new version that should pull images from craigslist. I also added an OP link and a NT link. The OP link is a regular link, you can ctrl+click (or middle click) it to open in a new tab in the background. The NT link will open the post in a new tab, and focus the tab.
Possible changes?
Is there a way you can make it so when clicking r###lts it opens a new tab but doesn't take you away from your current tab? Meaning it loads in the background. Also, is there a way to implement images into the r###lts??
Wonderful script. Love it.