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Craigslist Enhancer

Let's you search multiple cities at the same time and presents r###lts in a clean and concise fashion.

< Feedback on Craigslist Enhancer


Posted: 2016-07-14

Is this scrpit working for others?

I've used and loved the Craigslist Enhancer script for years and recently it has stopped working. Tried the usual uninstall, reload etc to no avail.
I tried contacting Le Capitan via his Paypal address, but the email bounced back as undeliverable.
Also sent beer payment via Paypal a couple weeks ago and it remains uncollected.
Is Le Capitan out there? I hope all is OK with him.
I love this script and would like to be able to use it again.

Posted: 2016-07-14

I still exist! It has been quite some time. Are you still using greasemonkey to run the script? Cancel your paypal payment if you can, I no longer own that email address.

Posted: 2016-07-15

Glad to hear from you. Yes I'm using Greasemonkey to run the script. Win7, ESET Smart Security 9. Not much else.
I see update but still nothing.
Will cancel the beer payment. Happy to send another to a new address.

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