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novelupdates Cover Preview

Previews covers in novelupdates.com when hovering over hyperlinks that lead to novelupdates seriepages and a few external pages.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2.6.0 2021-03-01 - changed getDataFromAPI() responseText from "document" to "text" since tampermonkey update 4.12.6130 seems to deprecate some api. No domdocument response from "Document"; added "www.tv.com" ; added double check if image has error loading. Additional checkImageServerState() for better error messages. if checkImageServerState == false https certificates seems to be blocked for the targetPage; nicer arrow pointer. colored in theme style; line to hovered link from arrow pointer on table list
  • v2.5.6 2020-12-31 variable renaming "targetNodeArray" to "arrayTargetNode". tampermonkey misdetects compatibility mode for targetNodeArray.map() (and the other array prototypes Array.map/Array.forEach/Array.push) and activates unneeded compatibility mode
  • v2.5.5 2020-12-31 bugfix: mydramalist serieRegex needed to start with "[0-9]+-" to ignore links like "https://mydramalist.com/profile/"
  • v2.5.4 2020-12-30 bugfix and improvement of serie detection and corresponding ids
  • v2.5.3 2020-12-30 bugfix: refinement getLinkToSeriePage() to handle slash after serieid
  • v2.5.2 2020-12-30 bugfix: popup placement on index/tablecell with less space on right side than popup size
  • v2.5.1 2020-12-30 bugfix: excluded links from pagination, better serie detection for direct chapter links
  • v2.5.0 2020-12-30 added externalLink ("wlnupdates.com" access over post json api); refactoring: reducing code smells (reducing duplicated code and unneeded complexity, better function names, better code readability), handle target urls server status (codes and errors) more gracefully; bugfix: popup placement with icon state next to link, fixed unintentional switch fall through on [key P]
  • v2.4.12 2020-12-27 ratelimit refinement: wait for longest time between page fetching or rate limiting before next link gets preloaded
  • v2.4.11 2020-12-27 bugfix: ratelimiting awaiting parsingPage + awaiting ratelimit instad of only waiting for ratelimit and directly starting page fetch
  • v2.4.10 2020-12-27 added alternative link address ("mangadex.org/manga/") to detect mangadex serie page. now additionally checking to "mangadex.org/title/"; refactoring: besides successful data fetching, handle target urls other possible server status (codes and errors) more gracefully
  • v2.4.9 2020-12-26 bugfix2: icon state fix on reload of cover data of current page
  • v2.4.8 2020-12-26 bugfix: accidentally removed preloadUrlRequests on start.
  • v2.4.7 2020-12-26 optional (activate with [Key i]) visualization of coverPreview state for link. If activated Icon is left of the link. Possible states (Link is used for coverPreview and has no data loaded, link is marked for preloading, link is loading data, link has saved data to display)
  • v2.4.6 2020-12-26 added externalLink asianwiki.com; bugfixes: -royalroad.com description selector, -popup position on word wrapped long links
  • v2.4.5 2020-12-25 bugfix: reset version on coverDatabase reset/different database version; skip rateLimit pausing if coverData already exists
  • v2.4.4 2020-12-25 refactoring; visual indicator(red border) which link is currently preloading/loading coverData; preloading rate limitation option: "defaultRateLimitQueryAfterSeconds" default one query after 0.5seconds for each domain can be further detailed for each linkdomain with (rateLimitCount: 20, rateLimitTimeInSeconds: 10) or (rateLimitQueryAfterSeconds:0.5)
  • v2.4.3 2020-12-24 improved link detection. should not popup for targeted links without further serie identification. (example: "www.novelupdates.com/series/" without anything more added to the address)
  • v2.4.2 2020-12-24 forgotten to deactivate console.log in v2.4.1
  • v2.4.1 2020-12-24 bugfix: updateSerieNodes() - elementUrl.match()
  • v2.4.0 2020-12-24 refactoring for easier inclusion of other APIs. api for additional externalLink (www.tvmaze.com/shows/); instead of element.textContent parsing using whitelisted innerHTML(only keep allowed tags: b,i,br,p) to keep new lines; added: alternative title names, readingListIcon/title
  • v2.3.1 2020-12-22 bugfix: added id to observe "myTable" to update available links (ajax change on tablesorter use on indexpage removes eventlistener from links); exception: deactivated urlPreload on forum thread to stop bombardedment of requesting domain access since all external links are listed in the forum post;
  • v2.3.0 2020-12-21 added rudimentary arrowpointer; bugfix: forgotten to readjust parseSeriePage() called in updateSerieNodes() now can also preload urls for externalLinks; added: externalLinks(mtlnovel.com, mydramalist.com, wiki.d-addicts.com, www.imdb.com, royalroadl.com)
  • v2.2.3 2020-12-19 bugfix: keep settings on clearing all coverData.
  • v2.2.2 2020-12-19 improved votes extraction. added "ratings"(used on scribblehub) additional to "votes"; added isReleaseVersion variable since i always forget to reactivate preloadUrlRequests on release. (In frontend now named preloadUrlRequestsDefault and preloadImagesDefault)
  • v2.2.1 2020-12-18 dataversion change. added externalLink domain in detail view; small popup rating detection improvement. Now detecting single Number
  • v2.2.0 2020-12-18 reworked popup position. avoiding overlaying of link
  • v2.1.0 2020-12-16 reworked observer going through array targetContainerIDArrayToObserve - now working for forum quickedits [added forum element id "messageList"]; refactoring: main page link [inserted into internal link object] and external links should be mostly interchangeable; for simplification: removed variable for imageblocker in favor of unique selectors
  • v2.0.2 2020-12-16 bugfix: forgot to add background stylesheet for loading animation
  • v2.0.1 2020-12-16 adjusted css and selected better site css (for background: .l-submain, .pageContent; for title: .widgettitle_nuf, .navTabs)
  • v2.0.0 2020-12-15 refactoring + added a few additional external data sources for coverPreviews (www.scribblehub.com, www.webnovel.com, www.royalroad.com, bato.to, mangadex.org)
  • v1.8.4 2020-12-14 bugfix: keep showing loading animation when changing popup style (changed refreshPopover to an earlier call loadImageFromBrowser inside hotkey calls)
  • v1.8.3 2020-12-13 added overflow autoscroll for long descriptions/tags; bugfix for forum style; bugfix for older firefox 56 for css style start values.
  • v1.8.1 2020-12-11 bugfix: no overwrite of currentCoverData if not currently active popup; display coverData when site parsed but image is still loading
  • v1.8.0 2020-12-10 added options: small/big popup style, description or tags in details view; Change of hotkeys: Key2+Key3 pushed to Key5(Reload) and Key6(Clear all). Now Key2(Description/Tags) and Key3(small/big popup style)
  • v1.7.3 2020-11-30 refactoring + small cosmetic change. (Shrink popup to image height if it is a wide image)
  • v1.7.2 2020-11-28 add hide hotkey option for small popup
  • v1.7.1 2020-11-27 bugfix: wrong text in small popup hide details -> show details
  • v1.7.0 2020-11-27 refactoring + prolonged serieinfo cache to 90days + manual refresh (key 2/3)
  • v1.6.5 2020-11-22 bugfix
  • v1.6.4.1 2020-11-22 added alternativ classes for forum and for custom forum style display
  • v1.6.4 2020-11-22 refactoring (optimization: removing spinner animation when popup hidden; double array conversion; added alternative "eventListenerStyle" default value = 0)
  • v1.6.3 2020-11-20 bugfix: show linkname instead of nativTitle ("Recommended by ...")
  • v1.6.2 2020-11-20 bugfix: forum link
  • v1.6.1 2020-11-20 bugfix; added "https://www.novelupdates.com/group/" to index style; reactivated preloadUrlRequests
  • v1.6.0 2020-11-20 refactoring + adjustment for easier port of mangaupdates version
  • v1.5.4 2020-11-18 no wrapping of shortend details
  • v1.5.3 2020-11-18 shorter details in small popup
  • v1.5.2 2020-11-17 bugfix2: fix showDetails init
  • v1.5.1 2020-11-17 bugfix: active popup detection

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