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KissAnime Auto Captcha V3.2

Auto complete KissAnime Captcha

< Feedback on KissAnime Auto Captcha V3.2

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2018-03-05

New Bug?

So I have been using this script for awhile now on KissAnime... Suddenly the other day I cant seem to get past the captcha anymore, it keeps refreshing every few seconds and the script doesnt appear to select any of the options, hell, even I cant select any options on it anymore because it keeps refreshing again and again pretty quickly too. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the script but the same issue occurs.

Is there any chance that the KissAnime people have built something to go against the script?

Anyone got any advice just incase it is something on my end. I am using this on Firefox for android with the Tampermonkey extension. The script worked before, but suddenly wont now... Hmmm :/

Posted: 2018-03-09
Edited: 2018-03-09

... Still no response

I've uninstalled the script and then KissAnime suddenly works fine now (So it is obviously the script, maybe KissAnime have discovered and blocked it somehow?)... But I have to select the options myself now :\

Eltion MusaAuthor
Posted: 2018-03-09

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I just tested the script with firefox beta for android and it's working fine.
Here is what I suggest you to do

1. Remove ALL VERSIONS of the script, and then install it again.
2. Remove Tampermonkey and then install it again.
3. Remove and reinstall the firefox.

Hope it helps.

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