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Youtube - Restore Classic

If youtube is in the new 2017 YouTube Material Redesign, automatically restore classic view

< Feedback on Youtube - Restore Classic


Posted: 2020-05-06

YouTube Broke this as of 5/5/2020, Waiting for fix

YouTube now loads new material design layout regardless of whether this is enabled. I can load classic by visiting YouTube via this link youtube.com/?disable_polymer=1 proving that YouTube hasn't killed it yet, however only the home page works with that link. Navigating to subscriptions switches to the new dessign. Just waiting on a fix

Posted: 2020-05-06

Hey meechgalhuquot,

The script is still working for me. Can you take a look in the chrome console (CTRL + SHIFT + I) and tell me wat your current pref cookie is? Should be pref=8 or pref=9.

Posted: 2020-05-12

Sorry I hadn't seen your reply until now. Here's what I get "current PREF cookie: f5=30&f1=50000000&al=en&f6=8&f4=4000000"

Posted: 2020-05-12

Hey meechgalhuquot,

I've noticed that youtube classic also stopped working for me. Looks like they are now using another cookie "VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE" to store information if you want classic or modern youtube.

The problem is that this is an HttpOnly cookie, in other words, I cannot change it using userscripts. You will need to manually delete the cookie in chrome dev tools or maybe try a chrome extension that lets you edit those cookies (don't know if they exist).

Sorry my hands are tied.

Sincerely, Cptmathix

Posted: 2020-05-14

We knew it was coming sooner or later. It looks like the Polymer Disable script still works since it tacks that on to the end of each URL, unfortunately it partially breaks another addon I have, but I still hate the new YouTube so I'll deal with it. Thanks for looking in to what caused this and thanks for the script while it worked!!!

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