Enable right click on websites having disabled
< Feedback on Enable Right Click | Reek
Problem - Scripts that block rightclick/context menusFound few instances where Reeks script doesn't work. For example, it a site is using these code:http://paste.is/12031/11632241/raw/http://paste.is/12033/45116362/raw/Many WordPress sites use jQuery scripts to block right click/context menus, notoriously this script:http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackmoore/colorbox/master/jquery.colorbox.jsI extracted the culprit code here:http://paste.is/12034/14511638/raw/
HI,Thank you, I'll be working on a new version and I'd do you the testSee youReek
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Problem - Scripts that block rightclick/context menus
Found few instances where Reeks script doesn't work. For example, it a site is using these code:
Many WordPress sites use jQuery scripts to block right click/context menus, notoriously this script:
I extracted the culprit code here: