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Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2019-07-24
Edited: 2020-03-14

Not working for foreign movies

Only works if movie/title is American or something. If foreign, no popup box.

E.g. IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7298400/ RT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ash_is_purest_white

The title is always English on RT tho.

English titles can be pulled from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7298400/releaseinfo

update: dev updated the script, all working.

Posted: 2019-07-24

I did just check a few movies and it seems to work fine for me. I suspect IMDB translates the title according to language settings or region.

Is your browser set to English or something else? You can check here: http://www.reliply.org/tools/requestheaders.php Just copy the info next to "Accept Language"

Thanks for the report, I am gonna try to solve that.

Posted: 2019-07-28

I updated the script.

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