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add a google search button on the baidu's homepage and search result page

add a google search button behind the baidu search button on the baidu's homepage and search result page,making it convenient to search in google

< Feedback on add a google search button on the baidu's homepage and search result page


Posted: 2018-08-08


在百度搜索框输入 c++ 然后点击Google,搜索结果关键字 是 c,加号会被忽略,但是地址栏仍然是 search?q=c++,如果使用Google本身搜索,发现 + 号被编码了,q=c%2B%2B&oq=c%2B%2B,希望作者再修改修改

Posted: 2018-08-08
  • 号是不是特殊的内部关键字,所以要编码
Posted: 2018-08-08

您好,感谢您的反馈,已发布新版本(0.4),问题已修复,欢迎继续使用 ^_^

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