Highlights User-defined Text
< Feedback on Text Highlighter - Dynamic
I see that this has been mentioned before..
I'm glad I could help. This actually wasn't my script originally and it uses some techniques I don't fully understand, so it's hard for me to make significant changes without diving in and spending a lot of time... Is the main problem that different words need different colors? Currently, as you can see, there is only one highlight style for the entire list of words. An alternate approach that I think would work with this script would be to have a separate list of words for each style rule, but setting that up will require some UI changes. It also could lead to some weird r###lts if there is a word-within-a-word match... Not sure how soon I could work on this.
I guess I should use my keywords wisely then, because I don't like the idea of cloning.
I'm looking into this but I can't promise. It's a big project.
It's alright, the script is already great with its unique dynamic feature .. and if you are to update it you should do it when you feel like it, with joy :D
Well, this took about 30 hours, but... it's ready for testing: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/6045/new-beta-version-available-for-testing
Update (Oct. 11, 2015): To avoid disrupting users of this version of the script, I decided to move the beta code over to a new script. That is: Text Highlight and Seek.
Very useful indeed..
This script with its options make browsing much easier by highlighting what interest you the most. With the keywords list growing you will lose this magical power. Is it possible to have a style for every keyword or at least to have multiple styles that you assign each to a keyword?
I know there is this option to just have multiple copies of the script, each with its unique style but was hoping for more than that.. Thank for the great script anyways!