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Mangaupdates External Links2

Adds external links section to MU's series info page, with Anime-Planet, MAL, MangaDex, MangaFox, MangaHere, KissManga, MangaPark, DynastyScans, AniDB, and Anilist.

< Feedback on Mangaupdates External Links2


Posted: 2018-03-18

No longer works?

Up until a few days ago, all the links worked fine. Now they do nothing when clicked, unfortunately.

Posted: 2018-03-18

FWIW, my main browser is Firefox.

I tried the script in Chrome. Just clicking the links does nothing, but right clicking>open in new tab/window works fine.

In Firefox, new tab does nothing. New window opens a windows for a fraction of a second, but then closes.

Posted: 2018-03-21
Edited: 2018-03-21

Getting a similar thing happening to me on Chrome now.

In my past month of using it, clicking the links never worked on Chrome so open in new tab/window was the only way to go. Now nothing opens at all.

Would love to see a fix, it's probably my most used script right now.

EDIT: Sorry, I jumped the gun with this post, I tried restarting the browser after trying it in incognito and it started working again. Not really sure what was preventing the script from working before.

EDIT 2: Worked for a second and stopped working again. Figured it was an extension causing some problems and found out it was uBlock Origin specifically. Not really needed anyway so all good.

Posted: 2018-03-21
Edited: 2018-03-21

Doesn't seem to be the same case for me with Firefox.

I tried disabling UBlock Origins, simply clicking the links and nothing happens. Manually middleclicking(or right click>new tab) will open a tab, but nothing loads. I tried disabling every single mod except Tampermonkey, but the same thing happens.

Right clicking>Copy Link Location then pasting into the address bar works as a temporary solution.

Edit: Also tried disabling UBlock Origin in Chrome. Clicking the links doesn't work at all, but opening in a new tab does. Didn't have an issue with it before, but I only tried it once since I don't use chrome.

Edit 2: Disabling Ublock For This Page achieves the same goal as completely disabling the addon.

Posted: 2018-04-10
Edited: 2018-04-10

Unfortunately I couldn't code if my life depended on it. I can only slightly modify existing scripts.

Hopefully someone will fix it and post it under a new name.

I think it's something to do with new security settings but I'm not sure. It worked perfectly for months until I updated firefox.

Probably something to do with this

Firefox It only works now when I copy link and past in new tab. When use open in new tab, it does open a new tab but instantly closes it.

Chrome (variants) Selecting Open link in new tab works.

Posted: 2018-05-29

Not sure if this will help but editing the redirect function to return just the link will give you the proper URL.

Posted: 2018-06-03

I tried changing the script to return just the link and it did not work for some reason :(

Right now I'm using FF so I'm stuck with cut and paste in new tab too. Better than nothing though.

My only hope is that someone more capable posts an updated script. This forum accepts attachments so I'll update if some posts a fix.

Posted: 2018-06-05

Here's my edited script. Maybe it'll work for someone.

Posted: 2018-06-13

Recently switched to FF so been doing the copy link location thing for a while, but that edited script seems to fix it Doushio.

Only thing I'd recommend is changing mangadex.com to .org since that seems to be the main URL and the redirection from .com isn't always consistent.

Posted: 2018-06-17
Edited: 2018-06-17

Thanks Doushio_User99. Really appreciated. Updated :smile: and you fixed AniDB too. Excellent.

changed mangadex.com to mangadex.org too.

Posted: 2018-06-20

I'm glad it works for others. Thanks Chilled and anan.

Posted: 2018-10-29

I've added AniList.co to the links so it searches AniList for the appropriate manga if anyone is interested I've attached the script below. Let me know if there's any issues as it works on my end. How it Looks

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